Kotlin compiler
File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Compiler | Kotlin Compiler for Windows and Linux
IntelliJ IDEA | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Compiler | Kotlin Compiler for macOS
Use this page to configure Kotlin compiler-specific settings.
Report compiler warnings | If this checkbox is cleared, the compiler won't generate warnings in course of compilation; only errors and info messages will be left. |
Kotlin compiler version | Select the version of the Kotlin compiler that is used to run both local and CI builds. |
Language version | Select the version of Kotlin used by the compiler. |
API version | Select the API version used by the Kotlin compiler. |
Additional command line parameters | Specify the command-line parameters and options to be passed to the compiler at its start. For more information about the available options, refer to the compiler documentation. If you need more room to type, click When specifying the parameters and options, follow these rules:
Keep compiler process alive between invocations | If this checkbox is selected, the compiler process is always alive. |
Enable incremental compilation | If this checkbox is selected, the improved incremental compilation is turned on. |
Target JVM version | The version of the JVM bytecode that will be produced as the compilation result. |
Enable incremental compilation | If this checkbox is selected, the improved incremental compilation is turned on. |
Generate source maps | If this checkbox is selected, the compiler generates source maps that set the correspondence between lines in your Kotlin code and in the generated JavaScript code, otherwise your breakpoints will not be recognised and processed correctly. |
Embed source code into source map | Select the mode for embedding source files into the source map:
File to prepend to generated code | Specify the path to the file that will be added as is to the beginning of the generated code. You can enter the path manually, or click |
File to append to generated code | Specify the path to the file that will be added as is to the end of the generated code. You can enter the path manually, or click |
Copy library runtime files | If this checkbox is selected, the JavaScript files from the libraries will be copied to the folder specified in the field Destination directory. |
Destination directory | This field is only enabled if the checkbox Copy library runtime files is selected. Specify here the target folder for the copied files. |
Module kind | Select the kind of JS module generated by the compiler: