Code Style. Python
File | Settings | Editor | Code Style | Python for Windows and Linux
IntelliJ IDEA | Settings | Editor | Code Style | Python for macOS
Required plugin: Python (IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate)
Use this page to configure formatting options for Python files. When you change these settings, the Preview pane shows how this will affect your code.
Before you start working with Python, make sure that Python plugin is installed and enabled. Press , go to Plugins and inspect the Installed tab to ensure the plugin is enabled.
Also make sure that the following prerequisites are met:
Python SDK is downloaded and installed on your machine.
The required framework SDKs are downloaded and installed on your machine.
For more information, refer to their respective download and installation pages:
When a piece of code is selected in the editor, IntelliJ IDEA suggests the quick-fix Adjust code style settings.
You can change the maximum line length for Python sources in Code Style | Python | Wrapping and Braces | Right margin of the editor settings.
Item | Description |
Use tab character | Use the key for indentation. When the checkbox is cleared, IntelliJ IDEA uses spaces instead of tabs. |
Smart tabs |
The Smart tabs checkbox is available if the Use tab character option is enabled. |
Tab size | In this field, specify the number of spaces included in a tab. |
Indent | In this field, specify the number of spaces to be inserted for each indent level. |
Continuation indent | Specify the indentation for lines that continue from the previous line, making it clear that they are part of the same statement or block of code. Continuation indents are used when a single statement is too long to fit on one line. |
Keep indents on empty lines | If this checkbox is selected, IntelliJ IDEA will keep indents on the empty lines as if they contained some code. If this checkbox is cleared, IntelliJ IDEA will delete the tab characters and spaces. |
Use this tab to specify where you want spaces in your code. To have IntelliJ IDEA automatically insert a space at a location, select the checkbox next to this location in the list. The results are displayed in the preview pane.
In this tab, customize the code style options, which IntelliJ IDEA will apply on reformatting the source code. The left-hand pane contains the list of exceptions (Keep when reformatting), and placement and alignment options for the various code constructs (lists, statements, operations, annotations, and so on) The right-hand pane shows the preview.
Alignment takes precedence over indentation options.
Use the Visual guides field to specify multiple right margins. You can leave a default value or enter the number of spaces for your margin. If you want to specify several margins, enter numbers separated by comma.
Use the checkboxes to configure exceptions that IntelliJ IDEA will make when reformatting the source code. For example, by default, the Line breaks checkbox is selected. If your code contains lines that are shorter than a standard convention, you can convert them by disabling the Line breaks checkbox before you reformat the source code.
The wrapping style applies to the various code constructs, specified in the left-hand pane (for example, method call arguments, method declaration parameters, or assignment statements).
Item | Description |
Wrapping style | From this list, select the desired wrapping style:
Use this tab to define where and how many blank lines you want IntelliJ IDEA to retain and insert in your code after reformatting. For each type of location, specify the number of blank lines to be inserted. The results are displayed in the preview pane.
Item | Description |
Keep maximum blank lines | In this area, specify the number of blank lines to be kept after reformatting in the specified locations. |
Minimum blank lines | In this area, specify the number of blank lines to be present in the specified locations.
This table lists actions to be performed when imports are optimized.
Item | Description |
General | In this area, configure general import options. Options:
JSP Imports Layout | In this area, configure how JSP import statements should be organized in your code. The introduced changes are displayed in the Preview pane below. Options:
Packages to Use Import with '*' | In this area, configure a list of packages and classes to be always imported completely. Options:
Import Layout | In this area, configure how import statements should be organized in your code. You can set up certain classes to be positioned first, or last, or one after another. Imported classes will be grouped as per their packages and sorted alphabetically within a package. Options:
Item | Description |
Dict alignment | From the drop-down list, select the type of
Add line feed at the end of file | Select this checkbox to add line feed character at the end of file. |
Use continuation indent for | Select the Method call argument checkbox to use continuation indent for a list of arguments and the Collections and comprehensions checkbox for multi-line collection literals and comprehensions. By default, the Method declaration parameters is selected, so that parameters within a method be indented using the continuation indent value. The value of the continuation indent is defined in the Tabs and Indents tab. If these checkboxes are not selected, then the indent value is used. |
Click this link to reveal the list of languages to be used as the base for the current language code style. Only the settings that are applicable to the current language are taken. All the other settings are not affected.
This link appears in the upper-right corner of the language-specific code style page, when applicable.
Click Reset to discard changes and return to the initial set of code style settings.