Work inside remote project
Last modified: 29 November 2022A remote project gets opened in JetBrains Client as it would be opened in your local IntelliJ IDEA IDE. You can develop it like any other local project: edit code, run applications, debug, and deploy.

If you want to find more about the Remote Development processes and architecture in general, refer to Remote development overview.
Add an SDK to the opened project
When you first open a project, IntelliJ IDEA displays a notification suggesting to add the project SDK.
Open the remote session.
From the main menu, select File | Project Structure.
In the Project Structure dialog, select Project, and from the available options, configure the project's SDK.
Click OK to save the changes. IntelliJ IDEA downloads the configured SDK to the remote server. The next time you open your project, the downloaded SDK will be used automatically in the remote session.
Add VM options
You can adjust VM options for the remote project, especially if you want to increase the -Xmx
memory size when working with a larger project. You need to perform those actions and save your changes on the remote server.
From the main menu, select Help | Edit Custom VM Options (On Host).
Edit the
file.For example, change the
option to-Xmx3072
.For more detailed information on VM options, refer to Advanced configuration.
Restart your IDE on the remote server to see the changes.
You may increase memory settings manually if your remote project doesn't start properly.
Sign in to the GitHub on the remote backend
Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Version Control | GitHub.
Click Add Account, select the authorization method and sign in to your GitHub account.
Close the Remote Development session
to close the remote session window.
You are returned to the JetBrains Gateway welcome screen where you can use the Recent SSH projects page to reconnect to your remote session or stop the running instance.
When you close the project locally, it doesn't get automatically closed on the remote host.
Create multiple connections
You can create multiple connections to the same remote host and the same version of the IDE. You can also have connections with different IDE versions and remote hosts.
Connect and open a remote session.
Since JetBrains Gateway is constantly active once you have connected to the remote server, you can click its icon to open the JetBrains Gateway welcome screen and configure other connections.
If you connect to the same IDE version, then JetBrains Client will be opened as an instance of the same process. If you connect to a different remote host or IDE version, a different remote session will be launched.
You cannot connect to the same server from different computers. For example, if you share a remote server with your team and want to work on the same project, either wait until the server is free or request the Code With Me link from the connected party to join the remote session.
Backend control center
When you work with your remote project, you can check the status of the remote server. That means you can check the CPU load, disk, and memory consumption on your backend. You can also add heap size and restart the remote backend right from JetBrains Client.
After opening your remote project, the name of your backend, memory and latency indicators are displayed on the main toolbar.

Work with the control center window
In JetBrains Client, on the main toolbar, click the name of the remote server to open the Connection Details window.
On the Performance tab, check the status of CPU load, memory consumptions, and the disk space.
Ping: this is a time indicator that shows how much time it takes to transfer data between JetBrains Client and the remote server using RD protocol.
CPU Load: this is an indicator of how many processes are executed by CPU.
Memory (RAM): this is an indicator that shows the RAM state of the remote server. If the memory limit is reached, you need to access your remote server and increase RAM or terminate processes that consume it.
Disk: this is an indicator of how much disk space is used by the remote server.
Click the Output tab to see the last 2500 symbols of the log file from the remote server.
This information helps you to see the end of log file and potential errors or issues that might have occurred.
If you want to increase the heap memory size, click the Settings tab and in the Maximum heap size field, add the needed amount of memory and click Save and Restart to apply the changes. Alternatively, you can click Save if you don't want to restart the backend immediately.
If you encounter a problem working in JetBrains Client, you can open a main tool window of the backend IDE and try to fix your problem there.
Access the backend IDE UI
In JetBrains Client, on the main toolbar, click the name of the remote server to open the Connection Details window.
In Connection Details window, click
and select Show Main Window.
You can collect data and create a log file by selecting the Collect Host and Client Logs option.
The main window of the backend IDE gets projected. Now you can use it to access remote settings and configure various remote options if you couldn't do that in JetBrains Client.
Keep in mind that the remote server is Linux, so the shortcuts that you use to configure remote settings must be the Linux ones.
Manage credential storage mechanisms on a remote backend
You can configure how to manage your passwords on the remote server and override the default configuration.
By default, the KeePass manager is used for storing password information on the backend as you can see in the backend password settings.
You can create a file to store the information about available and the default authentication storage mechanisms and use it to override the ones provided by the system.
For example, the KEEPASS
mechanism keeps everything on the hard disk, which is a bit of a downside. However, if you want to save credentials (database credentials, GitHub tokens, and so on) between the IDE restarts, the KEEPASS
mechanism should be your choice.
On the other hand, the IN_MEMORY
mechanism lets you keep everything inside the memory of the running IDE, and clears everything on the IDE restart. Nothing gets saved on the hard disk, which is safer.
Set up a file to store the credential storage mechanisms for all backends
Create the
directory and the followingsettingName
: for the default password storage mechanism. The file will contain one value from (MEMORY_ONLY
: for the available password storage mechanisms. The file will contain comma-separated values from (MEMORY_ONLY
You can create the files on your local OS and copy them to the remote server or create such files directly on the remote server.
Add the created files to the remote server. If you created the files on your local system, then you can use the following command in the terminal to copy the files to the needed location on your remote server:
scp source/filename [username]@[host]: destination
The location of the files on the remote backend is as follows:
/.config (for the user-specific settings)/JetBrains /CredentialStore /settingName /etc (for the system-wide settings)/xdg /JetBrains /CredentialStore /settingName
After you've added the files to the remote server, the password settings will display only the default and the available password storage providers.
Access remote password settings
Open main window and click File | Settings.
Select Appearance Behavior | Passwords.
The Passwords settings page displays the default mechanisms to store your credentials, which you can use to configure the settings.
Click OK to save the changes.
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