Space Automation

Last modified: 29 November 2022

Space Automation helps you automate your development workflow. You can automatically run testing or deployment scripts when a specific event occurs or according to a schedule.

The automation script is written in a Kotlin-based DSL and is stored in the .space.kts file in the project root directory. The script consists of a set of jobs. A job can run a shell script or Kotlin code. Using the Automation script, you can access various APIs, work with Space modules (such as chats and issues), run Gradle commands, and much more. Refer to Space documentation on Automation to get familiar with main Automation concepts and DSL syntax.

With the Kotlin plugin installed and enabled, IntelliJ IDEA recognizes the syntax of the Space Automation DSL, and you can take advantage of code completion, syntax highlighting, inspections, and many other IntelliJ IDEA features while working with the script.