
Last modified: 01 August 2022

Required plugin: Spring (bundled)

Spring is an application framework for the Java platform. It helps you build modern web applications with support for microservice architectures, cloud systems, reactive processing, and serverless workloads.

IntelliJ IDEA provides extensive coding assistance for Spring, including a dedicated project wizard, code highlighting, intelligent context actions, embedded documentation, navigation, and highly customizable run configurations. For a detailed description of the supported features, see this page on the JetBrains web site.

If you are new to Spring, start with Tutorial: Create your first Spring application.

To use Spring in your project, you need the Spring facet that comprises libraries and UI elements for configuring settings specific to Spring. IntelliJ IDEA automatically detects Spring configuration files in your code. The IDE will inform you if the project requires any adjustments and suggest the necessary actions. So normally, a Spring project does not require manual configuration.

However, if IntelliJ IDEA does not detect configuration files automatically, you can add the facet manually:

If the Spring facet is configured correctly, you will see Spring gutter icons marking each component, bean, and so on. To configure gutter icons, open the IDE settings with Ctrl+Alt+S and go to Editor | General | Gutter Icons.