Shared indexes

Last modified: 01 August 2022

One of the possible ways of reducing the indexing time is by using shared indexes. Unlike the regular indexes that are built locally, shared indexes are generated once and are later reused on another computer whenever they are needed.

IntelliJ IDEA can connect to the dedicated resource to download shared indexes for your JDK and Maven libraries and build shared indexes for your project's code. Whenever IntelliJ IDEA needs to reindex your application, it will use the available shared indexes and will build local indexes for the rest of the project. Normally, this is faster than building local indexes for the entire application from scratch.

Make sure the plugin is installed

To be able to use shared project indexes, the Shared Project Indexes bundled plugin must be enabled in the settings:

  1. In the Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), select Plugins.

  2. Switch to the Installed tab, type Shared Project Indexes, and make sure that the checkbox next to it is selected.

    Otherwise, select the checkbox to enable the plugin.

  3. Apply the changes and close the dialog. Restart the IDE if prompted.

When you launch a project, IntelliJ IDEA processes local and shared indexes together at the same time. This might increase CPU usage on your computer. If you want to avoid this, enable the Wait for shared indexes option in Settings/Preferences | Tools | Shared Indexes.