Event log
Last modified: 01 August 2022View | Tool Windows | Event Log
The Event Log tool window shows information about events that take place in IntelliJ IDEA.
Problems (errors and exceptions) are displayed in red. In such cases, clicking the more link (if present) opens a balloon with a more detailed description of the error or exception. Clicking a description link (depending on the error, the text may be different e.g. NullPointerException) opens the IDE Fatal Errors dialog, which lets you review the error and create a bug report.
Events related to databases are listed in a separate Database tab of the Event Log tool window. For more information, see Database tools and SQL.
Toolbar Buttons
Icon | Tooltip | Description |
Mark all as read | Mark all the messages in the Event Log as read. | |
Clear all | Remove all the messages from the Event Log. | |
Settings | Open the Notifications dialog to configure which events should be displayed and logged. |
Context Menu
Item | Description |
Use Soft Wraps | Enable soft wraps for long event messages. |
Scroll to the end | Jump to the end of the Event Log. |
Notification display type | Select how popup notifications are displayed for a particular event:
Compare with Clipboard | Open the Differences Viewer to compare the current contents of the system clipboard with the current contents of the Event Log. |
Create Gist | Open the Create Gist dialog to share the contents of the Event Log using a Gist |