Translate text
Last modified: 04 March 2025Grazie can translate sentences between English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Ukrainian, and Dutch.
To translate a text:
Select a text that you want to translate and click the Grazie icon that appears.
Move the pointer to the arrow next to the Translate option in the text selection menu and select a language from the list.
In the dialog that opens, choose one of the following options:
Click the Replace button or press to replace the highlighted text with its translated version.
Click the Paste after button or press to insert the translated version after the highlighted text.
You can change the translation language directly in the dialog. Click the arrow next to the language and select a different language from the list. Grazie will translate the text into the selected language.
Grazie remembers the last language you used for translation and displays it next to the Translate option in the text selection menu. The next time you need to translate text, you can select the option without having to select the language again.