dotMemory 2024.2 Help

API Reference

Profiling API

MemoryProfiler class methods





enum MemoryFeatures: uint

Returns a set of features currently active in the profiler: Bit flags in the MemoryFeatures value fully describe the current profiler state. Each bit indicates whether a corresponding feature is currently available:

  • Ready = 0x1: Indicates whether the profiler is ready to work. You need to check this flag only in case you attach the profiler to the current process: the flag will be set once the profiler is ready to accept your commands. If you start a process under profiling, this flag is always set. After you detach the profiler from the process, the flag is cleared.

  • Detach = 0x2: Indicates whether it is possible to use MemoryProfiler.Detach().

    0: the profiler will ignore MemoryProfiler.Detach().

    1: MemoryProfiler.Detach() will detach the profiler from the profiled process.

  • CollectAllocations = 0x4: Indicates whether it is possible to use CollectAllocations(bool enabled). If 0, the profiler ignores the CollectAllocations call. If 1, the CollectAllocations call will take effect.


Collect memory snapshot and save it to the disk. This method forces full garbage collection.

Doesn't throw any errors even if the application is run with profiling disabled.

GetSnapshot(string name)

[Internal use only]

Collect memory snapshot and save it to the disk. This method forces full garbage collection.

Doesn't throw any errors even if the application is run with profiling disabled.

name is the name of the memory snapshot. It is not a filename.


Forces full garbage collection.

Doesn't throw any errors even if the application is run with profiling disabled.

CollectAllocations(bool enable)

Enable/disable collecting memory allocation data. Does nothing if collecting allocation data is disabled in the profiler. To check whether the collecting is enabled, use MemoryProfiler.GetFeatures().

Doesn't throw any errors even if the application is run with profiling disabled.


Detach the profiler from the profiled process. Does nothing if detaching is disabled in the profiler. To check whether the detaching is enabled, use MemoryProfiler.GetFeatures() with MemoryFeatures.Detach flag. Doesn't throw any errors even if the application is run with profiling disabled.

Self-profiling API

DotMemory class methods




EnsurePrerequisite(Uri nugetUrl = null, NuGetApi nugetApi = NuGetApi.V3, string downloadTo = null)

Initializes the profiler. This method is a simplified way to call the EnsurePrerequisiteAsync() method. This is the recommended method for profiler initialization.

EnsurePrerequisiteAsync( CancellationToken cancellationToken, IProgress<double> progress = null, Uri nugetUrl = null, NuGetApi nugetApi = NuGetApi.V3, string downloadTo = null)


(We recommend that you use EnsurePrerequisite() instead)

Initializes the profiler. During the initialization, the API checks whether the dotMemory.exe console profiler exists in the same folder with the executing assembly. If the console profiler is not found, downloads the compatible JetBrains.dotMemory.Console NuGet-package into the downloadTo folder. The compatible package version is set by the NupkgVersion constant. You can track the download progress using the progress callback variable and cancel the downloading using cancellationToken.


Gets a memory snapshot using the default profiling configuration.

GetSnapshotOnce(DotMemory.Config config)


Gets a memory snapshot using the specified profiling config. Returns a string with the path to the saved snapshot (dotMemory workspace).


Attaches dotMemory to the current process using the default profiling configuration.

Attach(DotMemory.Config config)

Attaches dotMemory to the current process using the specified profiling config.



Detaches dotMemory from the current process. Returns a string with the path to the saved snapshot (dotMemory workspace).

GetSnapshot(string name = null)


Gets a memory snapshot. name is the name of the snapshot.

DotMemory.Config class methods






Specifies TRACE log level.



Specifies VERBOSE log level.

UseLogFile(string filePath)


Specifies the path to the log file.

SaveToFile(string filePath, bool overwrite = false)


Specifies the path to the workspace file (snapshots storage).

SaveToDir(string dirPath)


Specifies the path to the workspace directory (filename will be auto-generated). SaveToDir and SaveToFile are mutually exclusive.



Specifies whether to open the generated workspace in JetBrains dotMemory.

WithCommandLineArgument(string argument)


Appends an arbitrary argument to the command line as is (without any quoting, and so on).

Last modified: 26 May 2024