This command gets the list of all derived symbols for a type or a member and lets you navigate directly to one of them, down the inheritance hierarchy. If you are looking for actual implementations and not interested in intermediate steps of the inheritance chain, use Go to Implementation.
You can invoke this command from the Assembly Explorer, File Structure window, and other tool windows. If necessary, you can navigate in the opposite direction with the Go to Base Symbols command.
Navigate to derived symbols
Place the caret at a symbol in the code viewer or select the symbol in a tool window.
Press or choose Navigate | Derived Symbols from the main menu . Alternatively, you can press , start typing the command name in the popup, and then choose it there.
If the symbol has only one derived symbol, dotPeek will navigate to it directly.
If the symbol has several derived symbols, they will be listed in a drop-down. The list may contain items in both bold and regular font. Bold indicates that an item has direct inheritance, while the regular font is used for indirect inheritance.
You can do one of the following:
Click the desired item to open it in the editor.
Select the desired item by pressing Up and Down and then press Enter to open it in the editor.
Start typing to filter results. Note that you can use CamelHumps here. If necessary, press Esc once to clear the filtering.
To view and analyze the list of matched items in the Find Results window, click Show in Find Results, press Shift+Enter or + on the numeric keypad .
To show the matched items on the type dependency diagram, press Alt+Num+ or click Show on Diagram.
This command is also available in the Navigate To menu .
If there are members in derived classes that hide the member you're navigating from, such members are displayed as strikethrough:
When a type or a member has inheritors in the current solution, dotPeek adds a special icon (for example, ) to the left of the declaration. You can click the icon to expand the list of derived symbols and navigate.
dotPeek navigates to target symbols according to settings defined in the Navigation section on the Decompiler page of dotPeek options. For more information, refer to Navigate compiled code.
This feature is inspired by and borrowed from JetBrains ReSharper, a developer productivity tool for Microsoft Visual Studio.