Terminal settings
File | Settings | Tools | Terminal for Windows and Linux
DataGrip | Settings | Tools | Terminal for macOS
Use this page to customize the settings of the embedded terminal emulator.
For the less frequently used settings, refer to Advanced Settings: Terminal.
This functionality relies on the Terminal plugin, which is bundled and enabled in DataGrip by default. If the relevant features are not available, make sure that you did not disable the plugin.
Press to open settings and then select Plugins.
Open the Installed tab, find the Terminal plugin, and select the checkbox next to the plugin name.
Starting with the 2024.1 release, a beta version of the new terminal is available in DataGrip.
- Enable New Terminal
Select it to enable the new terminal.
These settings affect the terminal only for the current project:
- Start directory
Specify the working directory where every new shell session should start. By default, it starts in the root directory of the current project.
- Environment variables
Specify custom environment variables for every new shell session.
These settings affect the terminal in any project that you open with the current DataGrip instance:
- Shell path
Specify the shell that will run by default. DataGrip should automatically detect the default shell based on your environment. Here are some examples of different shells:
Z shell:
Bash for Windows:
Command Prompt:
"C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe" --login -i
- Default tab name
Specify the default name for new tabs.
- Audible bell
Play the bell sound on various events.
- Close session when it ends
Close the current session when the corresponding process ends (for example, by
).- Mouse reporting
Enable the mouse pointer support in the embedded local terminal.
- Copy to clipboard on selection
Copy text selected in the terminal to the clipboard.
- Paste on middle mouse button click
Paste clipboard contents by clicking the middle mouse button.
- Override IDE shortcuts
Use shell-specific shortcuts instead of IDE shortcuts when the Terminal tool window is active.
Click Configure terminal keybindings to open the Keymap settings page and configure the shortcuts that are available in the Terminal tool window under Plugins | Terminal. For example, Switch Focus to Editor is mapped to by default, which means that if you don't override the IDE shortcuts, Escape will switch focus from the terminal to the editor.
- Shell integration
Integrate the terminal with the system shell to properly keep track of your command history for sessions and load a custom config file with required environment variables.
Shell integration works for
, andfish
shells.- Highlight hyperlinks
Highlight HTTP links in the terminal and make them clickable.
- Use Option as Meta key
On macOS, use the Option key as the Meta key.
- Run Commands using IDE
Detect and highlight commands that can be used as IDE features instead of running them in the terminal and reading console output.
When enabled, instead of pressing , which runs the command in the terminal, press to open the corresponding GUI element.
- Cursor shape
Select the shape of the cursor: block, underline, or vertical.
The embedded terminal emulator also inherits the following IDE settings:
On the Keymap settings page, you can configure the copy and paste shortcuts.
On the Editor | General | Appearance page, you can configure blinking frequency for the caret. The Terminal does not inherit the Use block caret option because there is a separate option for that: Cursor shape.
On the Editor | Color Scheme | Console Font page, you can configure line spacing and fonts.
On the Editor | Color Scheme | Console Colors page, you can configure font colors.
On the Editor | Color Scheme | General page, you can configure the selection foreground and background colors.