JetBrains CodeCanvas 2024.1 Help

Trusted SSL Certificates

CodeCanvas supports uploading trusted SSL certificates. Adding a server certificate as trusted means that you trust the server that holds a respective certificate.

The uploaded trusted SSL certificates can be used to configure secure connection with supported third-party authentication providers.

Upload a trusted SSL certificate

  1. On the sidebar, choose Administration, then Trusted Certificates.

  2. Click Add certificate.

  3. Enter an alias (name) for the new certificate.

  4. Select a file that contains the certificate in the DER (.cer or .crt) format. Browse for the file or drag it into the field.

  5. Click Add to upload the selected file to CodeCanvas.

Added certificates are enabled by default.

Disable and enable trusted certificates

  1. On the sidebar, choose Administration, then Trusted Certificates.

  2. Locate the certificate in the list and click a corresponding button: Active or Inactive.

Delete a trusted certificate

  1. On the sidebar, choose Administration, then Trusted Certificates.

  2. Locate the certificate in the list and click delete-icon next to it.

Last modified: 04 April 2024