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RubyMine 教程

In this video, we'll show you how to create and run the simple interactive Ruby program in #RubyMine:
- 0:11 - Set up a Ruby development environment https://jb.gg/sx8wdm
- 0:47 - Create a new Ruby project
- 1:47 - Create a Ruby script
- 2:04 - Write a program
- 2:16 - Run the script for the first time
- 2:41 - Ruby run configuration
- 3:22 - Run the script with Run Anything

Documentation: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/ruby/creating-and-running-your-first-language-project.html
Completed project: https://github.com/rubyminedoc/ruby_helloworld

All RubyMine videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ176FUIyIUanO72dRf6lOefKIznviKKJ

Join us:

Download RubyMine: https://jb.gg/unc73a
Website: https://jb.gg/gvhuze
Blog: https://jb.gg/c55n2h
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rubymine

#jetbrains #rubymine #ruby
RubyMine: Creating and Running Your First Ruby Project
In this video, we'll show you how to create and run the simple Rails application in #RubyMine:
- 0:12 - Set up a Ruby development environment https://jb.gg/sx8wdm
- 0:53 - Create a new Rails application
- 2:57 - Run the application
- 3:30 - Create a controller and view
- 3:59 - Open the view page from the editor

Documentation: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/ruby/create-and-run-your-first-project.html
Completed project: https://github.com/rubyminedoc/rails_helloworld
Version Control Systems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaQnpCaiop0

All RubyMine videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ176FUIyIUanO72dRf6lOefKIznviKKJ

Join us:

Download RubyMine: https://jb.gg/unc73a
Website: https://jb.gg/gvhuze
Blog: https://jb.gg/c55n2h
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rubymine

#jetbrains #rubymine #ruby #rails
RubyMine: Creating and Running Your First Rails Application
In this video, we'll show you how to generate Rails application elements, such as controllers, views, models, and migrations.

0:20 - Clone the sample application https://github.com/rubyminedoc/rails_helloworld
0:50 - Create a new resource
1:13 - Generate a controller
2:32 - Navigate from a controller action to a view
2:43 - Create a form
2:59 - Generate a model
3:28 - Run migrations
4:12 - Run the application
4:55 - Create a view from an action

Getting Started with Rails: https://guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html
Creating a Rails application: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNfZwWqggQw
Version Control Systems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaQnpCaiop0

All RubyMine videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ176FUIyIUanO72dRf6lOefKIznviKKJ

Join us:

Download RubyMine: https://jb.gg/unc73a
Website: https://jb.gg/gvhuze
Blog: https://jb.gg/c55n2h
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rubymine

#jetbrains #rubymine #ruby
RubyMine: Creating Rails Application Elements
In this video, we'll show you how to open and set up an existing Ruby on Rails project in RubyMine. Project setup will include configuring the Ruby interpreter and gemset, installing the gem and JavaScript dependencies, and running migrations.

0:25 - Set up a Ruby development environment https://jb.gg/sx8wdm
1:02 - Clone the sample application https://github.com/JetBrains/sample_rails_app
1:56 - Configure the Ruby interpreter
2:26 - Add the RVM gemset
3:20 - Install Bundler and gems
4:38 - Install JavaScript dependencies
5:33 - Run migrations
5:52 - Run the application
6:09 - Get started with RubyMine: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/ruby/get-started.html

All RubyMine videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ176FUIyIUanO72dRf6lOefKIznviKKJ

Join us:

Download RubyMine: https://jb.gg/unc73a
Website: https://jb.gg/gvhuze
Blog: https://jb.gg/c55n2h
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rubymine

#jetbrains #rubymine #ruby
RubyMine: Opening and Setting Up a Ruby on Rails Project
Table of Contents:

00:16 – Project Tool Window
00:52 – Other Tool Windows
01:10 – Accessing Keymap Reference
01:36 – Assigning/reassigning keyboard shortcuts
02:25 – Navigation bar
02:52 – Search Everywhere
04:59 – Go to Class, File, Symbol
05:57 – Find Action

Michael Hartl's Sample App was used to create this tutorial. Check it out at https://bitbucket.org/railstutorial/sample_app_4th_ed

All RubyMine videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ176FUIyIUanO72dRf6lOefKIznviKKJ

Join us:
Download RubyMine: https://jb.gg/unc73a
Website: https://jb.gg/gvhuze
Blog: https://jb.gg/c55n2h
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rubymine

#jetbrains #rubymine #ruby
RubyMine: Navigation abilities
00:10 – Generate a model with Run Anything
01:30 – Code autocompletion
02:35 – Go to definition
04:06 – Quick documentation
04:36 – Postfix code completion
05:22 – RuboCop integration & Intention actions (Quick-fixes)
08:20  – Show Recent/Recently edited files
09:04 – RegExp checker
09:58 – File Structure Popup
10:39 – Code formatter & Code style options
12:10 – Go to related symbol (related Rails entity)
12:40 – Navigate between methods in the editor
12:51 – Refactoring: Extract method
14:15 – Refactoring: Rename
15:50 – Multiple cursors

Michael Hartl's Sample App was used to create this tutorial. Check it out at https://bitbucket.org/railstutorial/sample_app_4th_ed

All RubyMine videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ176FUIyIUanO72dRf6lOefKIznviKKJ

Join us:
Download RubyMine: https://jb.gg/unc73a
Website: https://jb.gg/gvhuze
Blog: https://jb.gg/c55n2h
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rubymine

#jetbrains #rubymine #ruby
RubyMine: Code editing & Refactoring features
In this video, we'll walk you through the main debugging capabilities of RubyMine. We'll be using a Ruby debugger to investigate the life cycle of a Ruby on Rails application: from handling requests to saving data to the database.

0:19 - Clone the sample application https://github.com/JetBrains/sample_rails_app
0:29 - Set up a Ruby on Rails project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlyHwgXaSV0
0:39 - Set breakpoints
1:39 - Start a debugging session
2:02 - Install debugging gems
2:31 - Examine frames
3:22 - Examine variables
4:14 - Step through the program
5:17 - Debugging console
5:47 - Evaluate an expression
6:09 - Breakpoint options
7:05 - Conditional breakpoints
7:40 - Restore a breakpoint
8:00 - Documentation https://www.jetbrains.com/help/ruby/debugging-code.html

All RubyMine videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ176FUIyIUanO72dRf6lOefKIznviKKJ

Join us:
Download RubyMine: https://jb.gg/unc73a
Website: https://jb.gg/gvhuze
Blog: https://jb.gg/c55n2h
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rubymine

#jetbrains #rubymine #ruby
RubyMine: Debugging a Ruby on Rails Application
In this video, we'll show you how #RubyMine helps you run and debug tests, get coverage information, create new tests, and do other useful things.

Clone a sample application: https://github.com/JetBrains/sample_rails_app

0:48 - Mark a directory as a 'Test sources root'
1:06 - Gems for testing
1:38 - Navigate between a test and test subject
2:16 - Run tests from the editor
2:36 - Test run configurations
3:21 - Test runner UI
3:59 - Debug a failed test
5:08 - Toggle auto-test
5:27 - Run tests from a folder
5:45 - Code coverage
7:16 - Create a new test
9:09 - Customize test templates

All RubyMine videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ176FUIyIUanO72dRf6lOefKIznviKKJ

Join us:
Download RubyMine: https://jb.gg/unc73a
Website: https://jb.gg/gvhuze
Blog: https://jb.gg/c55n2h
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rubymine

#jetbrains #rubymine #ruby
RubyMine: Testing and Coverage
In this video, we'll show you how to use #Docker Compose with #RubyMine for local development:

0:36 - Clone the sample application https://github.com/JetBrains/sample_rails_app
0:58 - Connect to the Docker daemon
1:17 - Interact with Docker using the Services tool window
1:36 - Pull the Postgres image
1:58 - Open docker-compose.yml
2:17 - Examine the Dockerfile
2:32 - Examine the docker-compose.yml file
3:17 - Add debugging gems to the Gemfile
3:32 - Adjust the database config in database.yml
3:48 - Build the application with Compose
4:16 - Get the bash shell in the container
4:38 - Assign the Docker service as a remote Ruby interpreter
5:12 - Examine Ruby Docker integration settings
5:53 - Create the database and run migrations with Rake
6:28 - Run the application
7:27 - Debug the application
8:47 - Connect to a database running in a Docker container
9:56 - Open and edit a database table

For more information, go to: https://jb.gg/q2piqo
Download RubyMine: https://jb.gg/unc73a

All RubyMine videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ176FUIyIUanO72dRf6lOefKIznviKKJ

Join us:

Website: https://jb.gg/gvhuze
Blog: https://jb.gg/c55n2h
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rubymine

#jetbrains #rubymine #dockercompose
RubyMine & Docker Compose
In this video, you'll learn how to add RBS to your project and get an overview of the main RBS features that RubyMine offers.

0:16 - Install RBS
1:02 - Create a new RBS file
1:20 - Generate an RBS prototype
1:47 - Examine the high-level structure of your RBS file
1:55 - Coding assistance features for RBS
2:10 - Code completion in RBS files
2:31 - The Rename refactoring in RBS files
3:02 - RBS inspections
3:17 - Code insight features
3:30 - Get more relevant code assistance in Ruby
3:43 - Catch type errors
4:11 - View type info
4:42 - Navigate large codebases
5:04 - Refactor names of Ruby objects more precisely
5:30 - Navigation features

All RubyMine videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ176FUIyIUanO72dRf6lOefKIznviKKJ

Documentation: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/ruby/rbs.html
Download RubyMine: https://jb.gg/unc73a
Website: https://jb.gg/gvhuze
Blog: https://jb.gg/c55n2h
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rubymine

#jetbrains #rubymine #ruby #rbs
RubyMine: Get started with RBS


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