The Visual Studio Extension for .NET Developers.
ReSharper makes Visual Studio a much better IDE! ReSharper extends Visual Studio with over 2200 on-the-fly code inspections for C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, and other technologies. For most inspections, ReSharper provides quick-fixes (light bulbs) to improve the code.
Find and remove unused code? Migrate your code to the latest C# version? Convert loops to LINQ at will? Find and prevent possible exceptions? Use a common naming standard? All that and a lot more code improvements are made possible with ReSharper's code analysis.
.NET Collections and Data StructuresPart of tutorial
HashSet<T>Part of tutorial
Use the `Intersect` method to find common items in two separate listsTip
Params collection in C#Tip
File-scoped namespaces and typesPart of tutorial
What is Solution-Wide Analysis?Part of tutorial
Exploring Code Analysis ResultsPart of tutorial
HTTP Communication and APIsTip
Why is ReSharper/Rider suggesting this?YouTube
Five game developer habits that bring software engineers to the next level!Tutorial
HTMX for ASP.NET Core DevelopersPart of tutorial
ASP.NET Core Razor TagHelpers for HTMXPart of tutorial
Client-side templating with Mustache and HTMXPart of tutorial
Server-side validation, client-side feelPart of tutorial
Debugging For ReSharper UsersPart of tutorial
ASP.NET Core Development with DockerPart of tutorial
Local .NET Development With DockerPart of tutorial
JetBrains Rider's Docker IntegrationsPart of tutorial
Common Docker TerminologyPart of tutorial
Docker Compose and Multiple ContainersPart of tutorial
Why Should .NET Developers Care About Docker?Tutorial
Docker For .NET DevelopersTutorial
Moving from Visual Studio to JetBrains RiderPart of tutorial
NuGet Package ManagementPart of tutorial
PluginsPart of tutorial
Unit Testing For ReSharper UsersPart of tutorial
Working With DatabasesPart of tutorial
Working With IIS and IIS ExpressTutorial
ReSharper EssentialsPart of tutorial
Additional ToolsPart of tutorial
Inspections and Quick-Fixes in ReSharperPart of tutorial
Debugging Applications with ReSharperPart of tutorial
Navigating Code with ReSharperPart of tutorial
Shortcuts, Editing and Code CompletionPart of tutorial
Writing and Running Unit Tests with ReSharperPart of tutorial
Comparing Rider's Toolbar with Visual StudioPart of tutorial
Basics of ADO.NETPart of tutorial
Basics of ASP.NET MVCTutorial
Getting Started With ASP.NETPart of tutorial
Start A New ASP.NET Web ApplicationPart of tutorial
Dependency Injection and ConfigureServicesYouTube
Build a Highly Performant Interservice Communication with gRPC for ASP NET Core