Getting Started

Getting Started

If you're new to our IDEs or a technology, start here.

JetBrains has powerful 'Integrated Developer Environments' (IDEs). This is a collection of tips and tutorials to help you get started.

Creating a Maven project

Part of tutorial

Creating a Maven project
Start by creating a brand-new project that uses Maven as the build tool.
Importing a Maven project

Part of tutorial

Importing a Maven project
IntelliJ IDEA understands projects that use Maven and can import them with minimal configuration.
Getting Started with PhpStorm


Getting Started with PhpStorm
A tutorial to help enhance your productivity with PhpStorm right from the start.
Hello World in IntelliJ IDEA


Hello World in IntelliJ IDEA
Create a new Java application and JAR file that prints `Hello World` to the console.
Creating a Gradle project

Part of tutorial

Creating a Gradle project
Start by creating a brand-new project that uses Gradle as the build tool.
Opening a Gradle project

Part of tutorial

Opening a Gradle project
What you need to know to get started with an existing Gradle project.
How to Search Everywhere in Any JetBrains IDE


How to Search Everywhere in Any JetBrains IDE
Search for anything in your JetBrains IDE across Classes, Files, Symbols and Actions.
Getting started with IntelliJ IDEA


Getting started with IntelliJ IDEA
My favourite tips for all new starters in IntelliJ IDEA.
Top Shortcuts


Top Shortcuts
Our handpicked top shortcuts just for you.
Search Everywhere


Search Everywhere
Tips for using one of the most helpful shortcuts in the IDE.
Getting Started with IntelliJ IDEA


Getting Started with IntelliJ IDEA
Helpful tips for working with IntelliJ IDEA for the first time.
Getting Started with Spring Data JPA


Getting Started with Spring Data JPA
Learn how to use Spring Data JPA to store and retrieve data from your database.
Type Into Any Dialog to Search


Type Into Any Dialog to Search
You can start typing into a dialog box to search, even if there's not a textual search box available.
Your First Spring Boot Application


Your First Spring Boot Application
In this tutorial, we will use IntelliJ IDEA to create your first "Hello World" Spring Boot application.
Creating a Project for Spock

Part of tutorial

Creating a Project for Spock
Start by creating a new Java project which will be the basis for the rest of this tutorial.