Disable Tabs

Save space and stay keyboard-centric by turning off the tabs.

People love tabs. It's the default way in PyCharm to jump around between the few files you are working on for a task.

But tabs have downsides:

  • Lots of mousing. Sure, you can learn some keystrokes to move between tabs, but they are a visual metaphor, and people instinctively use the mouse.

  • Clutter. Before long you have tons of tabs open and then need other machinery to help deal with tabs...which you used to help deal with files.

In this tip we show turning off tabs as a prelude to other tips related to keyboard-centric navigation. We show navigating through preferences to the action, as well as searching for the action and even setting it in the popup.

Related Resources

Find in Path with the Navigation Bar
Find in Path with the Navigation Bar
Use the Navigation bar and Find in File together and be faster than all of your team members.
Speed search with the Navigation Bar
Speed search with the Navigation Bar
Use the keyboard abbreviations to quickly find what you're looking for in the Navigation bar.
Create a new File from the Navigation Bar
Create a new File from the Navigation Bar
A fast way to add a new file to your project, without touching the mouse.