
All the resources in the Guide, starting with most recent.

Refactor Code with AI Assistant


Refactor Code with AI Assistant
How AI Assistant can help you refactor code.
Params collection in C#


Params collection in C#
Use the params collection in C# so methods can accept a dynamic number of parameters.
Testing for Exceptions

Part of tutorial

Testing for Exceptions
Write tests which ensure exceptions are raised when expected.
Getting Into the TDD Flow

Part of tutorial

Getting Into the TDD Flow
Setup your PyCharm project to help get into the flow of Test-Driven Development (TDD).
Skipping Tests

Part of tutorial

Skipping Tests
During refactoring, use pytest's markers to ignore certain breaking tests.
Project Setup

Part of tutorial

Project Setup
Make a PyCharm project and virtual environment with dependencies, and configure PyCharm to use pytest.
Jump to Error

Part of tutorial

Jump to Error
Writing code means writing broken code. Click a link in a traceback to open a file on the line of the error.
Test Fixtures

Part of tutorial

Test Fixtures
Make your tests more focused by moving sample data to pytest fixtures.
Unit Tests

Part of tutorial

Unit Tests
Write a simple test and run it in PyCharm's visual test runner.
Debugging During Testing

Part of tutorial

Debugging During Testing
When writing tests, use the PyCharm "visual debugger" to interactively poke around in the context of a problem.
Background on Testing

Part of tutorial

Background on Testing
Introduce testing, pytest, and how it all fits into PyCharm, along with a scenario to work on.
Find and Fix Problems in Your Code


Find and Fix Problems in Your Code
How AI Assistant can help you to understand errors in your code.