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Monorepos: Any Size Fits All

Altan Stalker

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Popularized by tech giants like Google, monorepos have become increasingly popular across organizations of all sizes in recent years. Is this model correct for your organization? What are the benefits, and how do these stack up against the initial overhead of adoption? In this session, we will take a look at the pros and cons of monorepos, as well as how modern tooling can ease the implementation process.


  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 01:24 The best way to organize repos
  • 02:01 What is a monorepo
  • 03:02 The organization size pyramid
  • 04:08 Code reuse
  • 07:44 The single version policy
  • 10:28 Intergration and the impact of tooling
  • 12:51 Safe refactors
  • 13:57 Trade-offs when considering a monorepo
  • 16:37 Tooling options
  • 18:01 Conclusion

About the Presenter

Altan Stalker, Software Engineer at Nrwl

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