Moving Statements Around

Moving a statements up and down within their scope.

Moving a Statement Up or Down in Your Class

In the editor, place the caret in the statement you want to move and press ⌘⇧↑ (macOS) / Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow (Windows/Linux) to move a statement up. Alternatively, use ⌘⇧↓ (macOS) / Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow (Windows/Linux) to move a statement down.

IntelliJ IDEA will not let you move a statement outside its defined scope. This helps to keep your code green and compiling so it's a preferable way of moving your code as you're less likely to introduce errors. Of course, if you accidentally move the use of a variable higher than its definition, IntelliJ IDEA will highlight this in red to show you that while you're still in the correct scope, you need to define the variable first.

Moving Lines Around

As well as moving statements around, you can also move lines around within your class. We'll look at this in the next step of this tutorial.