Using Presentation Mode

How to enter and exit Presentation Mode.

When presenting, you can use Presentation Mode. The IDE switches to full screen and everything is hidden except for the main editor window. The font size is increased, so it is easier to read from a distance.

Presentation Mode

You can switch to Presentation Mode by clicking View | Appearance | Enter Presentation Mode.

Enter Presentation Mode

Exit Presentation Mode by clicking View | Appearance | Exit Presentation Mode.

Exit Presentation Mode

If needed, the font size in Presentation Mode can be configured in Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | Appearance. Scroll down to Presentation Mode, and font size and set the font size you want. Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog or click Apply to keep the dialog open. Click Cancel to discard the changes and close the dialog.

Configure Presentation Mode Font size

We can also open Presentation Mode using short-cuts. Open the Quick Switch Scheme using ⌃` (macOS) / Ctrl+` (Windows/Linux) . Use the arrows to select View Mode and then select Enter Presentation Mode.

Open Quick Switch Scheme - View Mode

Open Quick Switch Scheme - Enter Presentation Mode

We can use Quick Switch Scheme again to Exit Presentation Mode.

Open Quick Switch Scheme - Exit Presentation Mode