Hide Tool Windows

Hide or restore all tool windows so you can keep your IDE exactly how you like it.

Hide All Windows ⌘⇧F12 (macOS) / Ctrl+Shift+F12 (Windows/Linux) to focus on the code.

Open individual windows, like the Project tool window ⌘1 (macOS) / Alt+1 (Windows/Linux), or Git tool window ⌘9 (macOS) / Alt+9 (Windows/Linux).

Or Restore Windows ⌘⇧F12 (macOS) / Ctrl+Shift+F12 (Windows/Linux) when you need them again.

Related Resources

Running and Stopping a Process
Running and Stopping a Process
How to run and terminate/stop a process from your toolbar.
Reformat Your Code
Reformat Your Code
Reformat a specific piece of code or the whole file according to your preferences.
Evaluate Expression
Evaluate Expression
Evaluate an expression during a debugging session to learn more about the problem.