Go REST Guide
This is a three-part series dedicated to three different methods of building a Go REST API.
This tutorial was created by an external contributor, Alexandre Couëdelo.
The first part of this series focuses on using the standard library, a simple and native way to create HTTP servers. The second part uses the gorilla/mux
framework, which provides a more sophisticated way of creating HTTP servers with features like middleware and routing. The third article uses the Gin framework, which provides a comprehensive solution for creating REST applications.

Go REST Guide. The Standard Library
The first part of this series focuses on using the standard library, a simple and native way to create HTTP servers.

Go REST Guide. gorilla/mux Router
The second part of this series demonstrates how to use a router for improved. handling of requests when building REST APIs.

Go REST Guide. Gin Framework
The third part of this series looks at how to build a REST API using a web. framework called Gin.