
Setting Up Your Development Environment.

To work with the code used in this guide, you can use an IDE of your choice or install the GoLand IDE. There is a free trial available; if you are new to GoLand, this is a great chance to test it out!

Then, fork or clone the repository that contains the code for this guide.

The repository contains code samples from articles published on the GoLand blog. The code for this guide resides in the directory error-handling.

Follow these steps to open the code in GoLand:

  1. Start GoLand.
  2. If it's a fresh installation, you'll be prompted with a welcome screen. Click the Open button.
  3. In the file selector dialog that opens, navigate to the repository you cloned earlier, select the folder error-handling, and click Open.

And you're set! Keep the IDE within reach while following the guide.