
Wrapping Up with gRPC.

Congratulations on making it to the end of the final part! In this part, you wrote the gRPC client and tested the reverse proxy using GoLand's HTTP Client.

Throughout the series, you learned how to create a complete gRPC application with streaming features. You created a gRPC server and client along with a reverse proxy to enable REST support. You also saw some GoLand features such as run configurations, database connections, the SQL console, and the HTTP Client, to name a few. With these features, GoLand stands out as a strong choice for gRPC development.

gRPC is an excellent technology that promises superior performance and ease of use, making it a protocol of choice, especially in the embedded and microservices world. Through this four-part series, you explored how gRPC works with Go and how easily you can write a full-fledged app with streaming features with gRPC.