Getting and Setting a Value

Efficient Data Handling - Redis Retrieval and Storage Capabilities.

Let's start reading and updating the database. If you look into setup.redis or browse the database in the database tool, you'll see that the quest title is in all lowercase. A proper title, however, should be in title case! So first, you'll read the quest title, turn it into title case, and save it back to Redis.

The quest entry is a string type, so you can use the Get() and Set() methods.

Get() is straightforward, and Set() almost equally so, except that Set() requires specifying an expiration time for the key. It's set to 0 here, which means the key does not expire. You'll learn more about expiring keys in the next demo. Run the demo code (getandset.go) through the run configuration RedisDemo 2: get/set:

import (
    // ...

func getAndSet(client *redis.Client) error {
    ctx := context.Background()

    quest, err := client.Get(ctx, "quest").Result()
    if err != nil {
       return fmt.Errorf("cannot get quest: %w", err)

    quest = cases.Title(language.English).String(quest)

    err = client.Set(ctx, "quest", quest, 0).Err()
    if err != nil {
       return fmt.Errorf("cannot update quest: %w", err)

    fmt.Printf("Quest is now: %s\n", client.Get(ctx, "quest").Val())

    return nil

The code should generate the following output:

Get/Set: Update the quest to title case
Quest is now: The Chicken Coop Catastrophe