Completion Tips & Tricks

Know everything there is to know about Code Completion.

Code completion is one of the greatest benefits of using an IDE: it reduces the number of things that you need to memorize and helps avoid typos and other common mistakes. It is useful for both professional developers who can write clean code faster, and for beginners who get easier ways of learning programming languages.

In this playlist we're going to have a look at the many code completion features in GoLand, and how to effectively use them.

Basic Code Completion

Code completion out-of-the-box that helps you get the job done.

Basic completion provides a list of all symbols available at the current caret position.

The list will include the usual mix of type, interface, and method names, keywords, and also Live Templates.

Symbols from not-yet-imported packages are also offered, with autoimport on-the-fly when you select them.

Basic completion pops up as you start typing code and GoLand recognizes an opportunity to complete something for you, but you can invoke it anytime by pressing ⌃␣ (macOS) / Ctrl+Space (Windows/Linux).

Basic Code Completion is also available for non-English symbols.