Debugging Tips and Tricks with JetBrains Rider

Joseph Guadagno

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Debugging issues within applications is challenging! In this session, I'll show how debugging works and demonstrate the many ways that JetBrains Rider enables you to find those annoying issues. I'll explain the run/debug configurations, what application breakpoints are and to make them conditional, or how breakpoints can be skipped altogether. While we are in a breakpoint, we'll explore the many ways to navigate through the code but skipping lines, running to line, jumping in, and using methods. Once we find an issue, we'll look at how we can inspect the values in memory and even change them.

At the end of the session, you'll walk away with a lot of knowledge to help you find those annoying issues in your applications. As a bonus, you'll walk away with a little debugging secret.


About the Presenter

Joseph Guadagno, Director, Technology at Quicken Loans, Organizer of Desert Code Camp, "Microsoft Developer Services" MVP, Telerik Ninja

Joe Guadagno is a Director of Engineering at Quicken Loans, the nation’s largest mortgage lender, which is based in Detroit, Michigan. He has been writing software for over 20 years and has been an active member of the .NET community, serving as a Microsoft MVP in .NET for over 10 years. At Quicken Loans, I lead 3 software development teams building and modernizing our internal services. He has spoken through the United States and at international events on topics ranging from Microsoft .NET, Microsoft Azure, Ionic, Bootstrap, and many others. You can see the complete list at When not sitting at a computer Joe loves to hang out with his family and play games. When not playing games with the family, Joe is checking out the latest in Home Automation. You can connect with Joe on Twitter at @Joseph Guadagno, Facebook at JosephGuadagnoNet, and on his blog at

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