CommunityTrisha Gee

Trisha Gee

Lead Java Advocate

IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1


IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1
Tips to get you productive with the new or improved features in IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1
Working with Maven


Working with Maven
Understand how IntelliJ IDEA integrates with Maven.
Creating a Maven project

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Creating a Maven project
Start by creating a brand-new project that uses Maven as the build tool
Importing a Maven project

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Importing a Maven project
IntelliJ IDEA understands projects that use Maven and can import them with minimal configuration

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Introduction to working with Maven and Maven projects in IntelliJ IDEA

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Shortcuts used in the tutorial
The Maven Tool Window

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The Maven Tool Window
The Maven Tool Window gives you access to goals, dependencies, and more.
Understanding Dependencies

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Understanding Dependencies
Adding and visualising dependencies
Opening Tool Windows


Opening Tool Windows
Quickly open IntelliJ IDEA's tool windows without using the mouse, and easily find items in the window.
Writing Tests with Spock


Writing Tests with Spock
Learn about the Spock testing framework by creating a project that uses Spock to unit test Java code
Creating a Project for Spock

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Creating a Project for Spock
Start by creating a new Java project which will be the basis for the rest of this tutorial.
A Simple Assertion

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A Simple Assertion
Writing our first Spock test
Data Tables

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Data Tables
Data tables offer the same functionality as data pipes, but this syntax can sometimes be more readable for more complex sets of data.
Data Pipes

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Data Pipes
Often we want to test the same set of criteria with different sets of data. Data pipes is one mechanism to do this.
Given, When and Then

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Given, When and Then
See how Spock tests are usually structured.
Groovy Tips for Java Developers

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Groovy Tips for Java Developers
Groovy's syntax and functionality might be unusual for Java developers to begin with, but it can be very helpful for testing.

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Introduction to the tutorial and links to further reading.
Helper Methods

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Helper Methods
Sometimes we need to move test code into a separate method. In this section, we look at some tips for this.
Expecting Exceptions

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Expecting Exceptions
Tests don't check just the happy paths, sometimes we want to say we're expecting a specific Exception.
Label Flexibility

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Label Flexibility
Spock supports a range of different test labels to help you write the most readable tests
Setting up the Dependencies

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Setting up the Dependencies
Add Spock framework dependencies to the project

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Mocks are a useful testing tool. We can provide "empty" objects, so we don't have to initialise the whole application to test a section, and we can use mocks to check our code is making the calls we expect.
Shortcuts used

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Shortcuts used
Finally, let's summarise the shortcuts we've learnt and see links to further information.
Specifications as Documentation

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Specifications as Documentation
Spock tests don't just tell the computer how to test the application, they can help developers understand what the application is supposed to do.
Setup and Teardown

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Setup and Teardown
See how to set up, or clean up, test classes and methods in Spock.
Spock IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

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Spock IntelliJ IDEA Plugin
Add the Spock plugin to IntelliJ IDEA to get some extra help in the IDE.

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Sometimes we want to check more than one value on an object. We can use `with` to do this.
Verify All

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Verify All
Test frameworks often stop the test at the first failure. Find out how to run all conditions to see which pass and which fail.

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Stub objects allow us to state from a test what values get injected into our application code. They can provide simple interfaces, so we don't have to initialise the whole application to test a section.
Running Gradle tasks

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Running Gradle tasks
There are several convenient ways to run Gradle tasks from IntelliJ IDEA.
Working with Gradle


Working with Gradle
Understand how IntelliJ IDEA integrates with Gradle.
Gradle Settings

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Gradle Settings
Where to change IntelliJ IDEA's settings fo Gradle.
Gradle dependencies

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Gradle dependencies
Add or update dependencies in your build.gradle file.
The Gradle Tool Window

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The Gradle Tool Window
How to find the Gradle tool window.
Gradle Wrapper

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Gradle Wrapper
Useful information for working with projects that use the Gradle Wrapper.
Creating a Gradle project

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Creating a Gradle project
Start by creating a brand-new project that uses Gradle as the build tool.

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Introduction to working with Gradle and Gradle projects in IntelliJ IDEA
Group ID and version number

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Group ID and version number
How to set up or change a project's group ID and version number.
Opening a Gradle project

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Opening a Gradle project
What you need to know to get started with an existing Gradle project
Setting an abbreviation

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Setting an abbreviation
Use a unique abbreviation to quickly navigate to the Gradle tool window

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Shortcuts used in the tutorial
Source set directories

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Source set directories
Understand how IntelliJ IDEA deals with Gradle's source set directories
Syncing and reloading

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Syncing and reloading
Sometimes you may need to encourage IntelliJ IDEA to reload any changes from the Gradle configuration.
The build.gradle file

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The build.gradle file
See how IntelliJ IDEA makes it easier to work with Gradle's configuration file.
Tour of a Gradle project

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Tour of a Gradle project
Take a look around a standard Gradle project to understand it better.
Change your code font weight


Change your code font weight
We spend hours looking at our code. We can make this as pleasant as possible.
Prevent a package depending upon another


Prevent a package depending upon another
Enforce architecture rules, such as data access layers not depending upon UI layers.
Profile your application


Profile your application
See how your application is performing with the built-in profiler
Run your code with Docker, SSH or WSL


Run your code with Docker, SSH or WSL
Set a Run Target to change where your code runs
Tips for working with JetBrains Space


Tips for working with JetBrains Space
Space is an all-in-one collaboration tool, including chat, code repository, code review, issue tracking, and much more.
Code Reviews with Space


Code Reviews with Space
Perform code reviews without leaving the IDE.
Generate UML diagrams for your Kotlin code


Generate UML diagrams for your Kotlin code
JVM developers working with Kotlin code can create UML diagrams for their Kotlin classes, just like they could with Java classes
Use a lightweight inspection profile on commit


Use a lightweight inspection profile on commit
Fully customise the checks you must perform before you commit your changes to version control
Create a correct child Sealed Class


Create a correct child Sealed Class
Sealed types are a new idea for Java developers, let IntelliJ IDEA guide you in how to create child classes
Create a correct parent Sealed Class


Create a correct parent Sealed Class
Sealed types are a new idea for Java developers, let IntelliJ IDEA guide you in how to use them
Evaluate JSON Path expressions


Evaluate JSON Path expressions
Use IntelliJ IDEA to check if your JSON Path expression are correct.
Preview HTML updates in real time


Preview HTML updates in real time
See what your changes look like as you make them
Use new methods on the Streams API


Use new methods on the Streams API
Inspections can show us new features from Java 16
Turn on Preview Features to try new Java features


Turn on Preview Features to try new Java features
The latest versions of Java contain "Preview Features", features that are fully functional but require developer feedback. Try them out in IntelliJ IDEA.
Convert from Record


Convert from Record
Use quick intentions to convert a record to a class
Convert class to record


Convert class to record
Use inspections to convert classes to Java 16 records
Create Record


Create Record
Create a new Java record class
Identify and fix deprecated calls


Identify and fix deprecated calls
IntelliJ IDEA will warn you if you're using deprecated methods, and they will be shown with a strikethrough if they're marked for removal
Use Pattern Matching for instanceof


Use Pattern Matching for instanceof
Inspections can guide us to use new Java features
Java 16


Java 16
Get up to speed on Java 16 with our top tips.
Trisha Gee


Trisha Gee
Lead Java Advocate