Rachel Appel

Rachel Appel

Developer Advocate at JetBrains

.NET Collections and Data Structures


.NET Collections and Data Structures
Learn how to apply the right collection for the task at hand.

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Arrays are a straightforward and traditional way to work with a set of data.

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Use the HashSet<T> type for high performing data sets with unique elements.

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Use the Dictionary<TKey, TValue> type for strongly-typed, dynamic, sets of data stored with keys and values.

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Use the LinkedList<T> type for strongly-typed, dynamic, sets of data.

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Use the List<T> type for strongly-typed, dynamic, sets of data.
Queues and Stacks.

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Queues and Stacks.
Use Queues and Stacks for FIFO and LIFO data sets.

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Use the SortedSet<T> type for strongly-type, automatically sorted data.
Thread-safe collections

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Thread-safe collections
The same collections you know and love, but thread-safe.
Convert JSON to classes or records


Convert JSON to classes or records
Turn any JSON data you have into a class or record
Params collection in C#


Params collection in C#
Use the params collection in C# so methods can accept a dynamic number of parameters.
Generate documentation with AI


Generate documentation with AI
AI can help you make XML documentation both automatic and useful.
File-scoped namespaces and types


File-scoped namespaces and types
Organize code better and reduce bugs by using file-scoped namespaces and objects.
C# Top-level statements


C# Top-level statements
Use top-level statements in C# to reduce boilerplate code.
Global usings


Global usings
Organize `using` statements so they're out of your way.
Generate Unit Tests Using AI Assistant

JetBrains Blog

Generate Unit Tests Using AI Assistant
Can you make your life easier as a developer by using AI to generate unit tests?
Creating Custom AI Assistant Prompts with ReSharper

JetBrains Blog

Creating Custom AI Assistant Prompts with ReSharper
Write custom prompts for use with the JetBrains AI Assistant in ReSharper and Rider so you can make the most of AI.
Use collection initializers


Use collection initializers
Update and initialize items in old collection declarations.
Rename refactoring


Rename refactoring
Would a variable by any other name read as clearly?
Extract method refactoring


Extract method refactoring
Split and Organize code into DRY, discrete units.
Inline method refactoring


Inline method refactoring
Replace usages of a function with its implementation.
Blazor Essentials


Blazor Essentials
Learn how to build a basic application with Blazor.
Working with Data

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Working with Data
Work with data in a Blazor application.
Get Started using Blazor

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Get Started using Blazor
Start a new Blazor project.
Forms in Blazor

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Forms in Blazor
View and edit data in forms.
Blazor components

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Blazor components
Use components for a modular Blazor application.
HTTP Communication and APIs

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HTTP Communication and APIs
Understand how to work with HTTP within the context of a Blazor app.
JavaScript interop

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JavaScript interop
Extend Blazor apps with JavaScript.
Introduction to Blazor

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Introduction to Blazor
Is Blazor the right choice for your application?
Razor Pages

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Razor Pages
Build a UI using Razor Pages in Blazor.
Publishing Blazor Apps

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Publishing Blazor Apps
Publish a Blazor app to Azure.

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Routing in Blazor.
Full-stack web development in Rider


Full-stack web development in Rider
Develop ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core applications in one place!
Refactoring Code with ReSharper

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Refactoring Code with ReSharper
How to safely refactor code, without breaking the build? Let's have a look.
Cloud (Azure) in Rider

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Cloud (Azure) in Rider
Using the Azure plugin in Rider, and working with Azure Functions.
Navigation in a code base with Rider

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Navigation in a code base with Rider
How to navigate around a code base? Let's look at some easy ways of doing so.
Refactoring code in Rider

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Refactoring code in Rider
Learn how to safely refactor code, without breaking the build.
Rachel Appel


Rachel Appel
Developer Advocate at JetBrains