Java Developer Advocate
Complete StatementTip
Manage VCS Changelists in IntelliJ IDEATip
Explain Cron Fragment with AI AssistantYouTube
7 Things You Didn’t Know about AI Assistant ChatYouTube
The Problem of Understanding Code is Solved: AI Assistant to the RescueYouTube
7 Ways AI Assistant Can Help You with Version ControlPart of tutorial
Introduction to Presenting with IntelliJ IDEAPart of tutorial
Presentation Assistant pluginTip
Change your Code Font WeightTip
Create an Editor FoldTip
Generate Overrides for equals(), hashCode() and toString()Tip
Shortcuts and AbbreviationsTip
View supertype and subtype hierarchyTip
Evaluate JSON Path ExpressionsTip
Run inspectionTip
Generate constructors and accessor methodsTip
Evaluate ExpressionTip
Expand and Collapse CodeTip
Hide Tool WindowsPart of tutorial
Version control (Git) historyJetBrains Blog
Build a Spring Boot App with AI AssistantTip
Refactor rename with AI AssistantTip
Annotate with Git Blame: CommitTip
Annotate with Git Blame: Show DiffTip
Postfix CompletionTip
Parameter InformationTip
Recent Files & LocationsTip
Clipboard HistoryTip
Structural SearchTip
Multiple caretsTip
Navigating Forward & BackwardTip
Go to Declaration or ImplementationTutorial
Explore project structure with the Dependency MatrixPart of tutorial
Open multiple projectsPart of tutorial
Reviewing GitLab Merge RequestsTutorial
Contributing to open source software; creating a pull requestPart of tutorial
Vulnerable Dependencies tool windowPart of tutorial
Summary and ShortcutsPart of tutorial
Dependency management config filePart of tutorial
Introduction to Git interactive rebase