Matthias Koch

Matthias Koch

Developer Advocate at JetBrains

C# 11 - Required Keyword


C# 11 - Required Keyword
Introducing the required keyword for fields and properties.
Inspections and Quick-Fixes in ReSharper

Part of tutorial

Inspections and Quick-Fixes in ReSharper
Helping you write better code, faster, and automatically fixes code issues.
Shortcuts, Editing and Code Completion

Part of tutorial

Shortcuts, Editing and Code Completion
Let's dive into the most important productivity shortcuts, editing, and code completion.
Inspections and Quick-Fixes in Rider

Part of tutorial

Inspections and Quick-Fixes in Rider
Dive into inspections and quick-fixes, nullability inspections, the Heap Allocations Viewer plugin, and more!
Customize the Look and Feel of Rider

Part of tutorial

Customize the Look and Feel of Rider
Customize the look and feel of Rider, and make the editor work the way you want.
Version Control in Rider

Part of tutorial

Version Control in Rider
Working with Git, commit code, rebase and switch branches. Let's explore version control (VCS)!
Introducing Variables


Introducing Variables
Introduce variables the way you like!
Expand/Shrink Selection


Expand/Shrink Selection
One more chance to leave your mouse aside!
Occurrence Selection


Occurrence Selection
Poor man’s manipulation to the rescue!
Cleanup Namespaces


Cleanup Namespaces
Fix all unused namespaces right from where you are!
Iterating Collections


Iterating Collections
There's no faster way to iterate!
Formatting code in columns


Formatting code in columns
Easily read common code in column-style layout!
C# 8 Support


C# 8 Support
Master all the C# 8 language features!
JSON schema support


JSON schema support
The best way to work with JSON and YAML files!
Tool Window Management


Tool Window Management
Little helpers always at the right size!
Move Code


Move Code
Move code the smart way!
Hiding all tool windows


Hiding all tool windows
Focus on your code!
Settings Layers


Settings Layers
Save settings to the scope you need them!
Search Anywhere


Search Anywhere
Start typing anywhere to search!
VCS Operations Quicklist


VCS Operations Quicklist
Your next VCS action at hand!
Unity Support


Unity Support
Write smarter C# for Unity!
Matthias Koch


Matthias Koch
Developer Advocate at JetBrains