.NET developer
Godot Game Development Leveraging KotlinYouTube
Turbocharge Your Unreal Engine Game Development With JetBrains Rider and TeamCityTip
Generate terminal commands using AI AssistantTutorial
Build an Asteroids game in Unity with JetBrains RiderPart of tutorial
Controlling the player – Shooting lasers and moving aroundPart of tutorial
Game graphics, assets and project setupYouTube
Can I script a Unity Game with AI Assistant in under 15 minutes?JetBrains Blog
How to improve code quality in game development with Qodana and UnityYouTube
Empowering Non-Developers - Creating Editor Tools and Customizations in UnityYouTube
Godot Playfab - A Godot Extension To Easily Integrate PlayFab, a Cloud-Based BaaSPart of tutorial
What is Solution-Wide Analysis?Part of tutorial
Exploring Code Analysis ResultsTip
Connect to a Running Docker Container ShellTutorial
Creating Games With Unity - Scripting Logic With RiderTutorial
Creating Games With Unreal Editor and JetBrains RiderTutorial
Design and Manage Scenes With RiderFlowYouTube
Five game developer habits that bring software engineers to the next level!YouTube
Reducing the environmental footprint in nautical transport with F# & ServerlessTutorial
ReSharper EssentialsPart of tutorial
Additional ToolsTutorial
Rider EssentialsPart of tutorial
NuGet Tool Window in RiderPart of tutorial
Unit Testing with RiderTutorial
Profiling in RiderPart of tutorial
Conclusion - Profiling in RiderPart of tutorial
Dynamic Program Analysis (DPA)Part of tutorial
Introduction to Profiling in RiderPart of tutorial
Optimize Performance with RiderPart of tutorial
Profiling ModesYouTube
Build a Highly Performant Interservice Communication with gRPC for ASP NET Core