Inline code completion
Let AI Assistant write code for you, using inline code completion.
Use AI Assistant to complete code for you. While working on your code, press ⏎ (macOS) / Enter (Windows/Linux) to start a new line and wait a few seconds to get a suggestion. The suggested code will be shown in grey. Use ⇥ (macOS) / Tab (VS Windows/Linux) to accept the suggestion. To accept part of the suggestions, use ⌘→ (macOS) / End (Windows/Linux) to accept the current line, or ⌥→ (macOS) / Ctrl+Right Arrow (Windows/Linux) to accept the next word.
If you'd like to reject the suggestions, use ␛ (macOS) / Escape (Windows/Linux) or continue to write your own code.
To explicitly get code completion from AI Assistant, use ⌥\ (macOS) / Alt+\ (Windows/Linux).