Team Collaboration

Engage in technical discussions over the code base, help each other build better software, and share knowledge to enhance your development skills.


Start discussions in code or diff views, with or without creating a formal code review, from the web UI or right from your IDE. Need to find an old discussion? Upsource’s got you covered!

Smart notifications

Get notified in real time, via News Feed or the IDE plugin, of any activities requiring your attention. Pick custom rules on what you want to be notified about. Don’t worry about too many email notifications – Upsource bundles them in a single email so you have less in your inbox to go through.

Knowledge history

When viewing any revision of a file, you have access to all relevant discussions from prior revisions of that file, be it within code reviews or in standalone discussions that weren't part of formal code reviews. Essentially, all knowledge about specific files in your code base is accumulated and made available for future reference.

Code sharing

Everything in Upsource has a URL and can be shared with teammates: code reviews, revision diffs, discussions of code and revisions, reports or filters applied to commit graphs, and even custom selections of code in any specific revision.


When there's no need for an elaborate answer, use reactions to quickly say thank you, give a thumbs up or give your feedback in a fast and compact form, saving time for everyone.


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