
    Free 10-user plan included (8 users + admin + guest).
    Requires a license to use more than 10 user accounts.

    Announcing End of Sales and Support

    As of February 1, 2022, we are no longer selling new licenses for Upsource and will cease adding new features to it. We will only provide security bug fixes for critical vulnerabilities until the end of support. Support for Upsource will end on January 31, 2023. Learn more in our blog post. If you have any questions, please contact our support team.

    Free 10-user plan included (8 users + admin + guest).
    Requires a license to use more than 10 user accounts.

    Announcing End of Sales and Support

    As of February 1, 2022, we are no longer selling new licenses for Upsource and will cease adding new features to it. We will only provide security bug fixes for critical vulnerabilities until the end of support. Support for Upsource will end on January 31, 2023. Learn more in our blog post. If you have any questions, please contact our support team.

    Free 10-user plan included (8 users + admin + guest).
    Requires a license to use more than 10 user accounts.

    Announcing End of Sales and Support

    As of February 1, 2022, we are no longer selling new licenses for Upsource and will cease adding new features to it. We will only provide security bug fixes for critical vulnerabilities until the end of support. Support for Upsource will end on January 31, 2023. Learn more in our blog post. If you have any questions, please contact our support team.

    Run Upsource server in a pre-configured Docker image:

    docker run -it --name upsource-server-instance \ 
    -v <path to data directory>:/opt/upsource/data \
    -v <path to conf directory>:/opt/upsource/conf \
    -v <path to logs directory>:/opt/upsource/logs \
    -v <path to backups directory>:/opt/upsource/backups \
    -p <port on host>:8080\

    Note for the command:

    The Upsource service runs inside the Docker container under a non-root account 13001:13001 (group:id).

    Before the first container start, set the appropriate access permissions for the host directories passed to the Upsource container. For example:

    mkdir -p -m 750 <path to data directory> <path to logs directory> \ 
    <path to conf directory> <path to backups directory>
    chown -R 13001:13001 <path to data directory> <path to logs directory> \
    <path to conf directory> <path to backups directory>
    View on Docker Hub

    Free 10-user plan included (8 users + admin + guest).
    Requires a license to use more than 10 user accounts.

    Announcing End of Sales and Support

    As of February 1, 2022, we are no longer selling new licenses for Upsource and will cease adding new features to it. We will only provide security bug fixes for critical vulnerabilities until the end of support. Support for Upsource will end on January 31, 2023. Learn more in our blog post. If you have any questions, please contact our support team.

    The Upsource distributed cluster is deployed to the Docker Swarm and managed by a standard Docker Compose tool.
    This download contains the following files:

    • docker-compose.yml — a configuration file that defines the structure of the Upsource cluster
    • — a simple wrapper for the docker-compose tool
    • upsource.env — a file that includes the parameters that you configure for the cluster

    Please read and follow the installation instructions to set up an Upsource cluster.
    To upgrade an existing cluster, follow these instructions.


    Free 10-user plan included (8 users + admin + guest).
    Requires a license to use more than 10 user accounts.

    Announcing End of Sales and Support

    As of February 1, 2022, we are no longer selling new licenses for Upsource and will cease adding new features to it. We will only provide security bug fixes for critical vulnerabilities until the end of support. Support for Upsource will end on January 31, 2023. Learn more in our blog post. If you have any questions, please contact our support team.