Marketplace Plugins

Combine and Copy Files to Clipboard For AI and LLM

per user, per month
8.00 CNY


per user, per month
16.00 CNY

AEM Support

per user, per month
61.90 CNY


per user, per month
130.00 CNY


per user, per month
16.00 CNY
8.00 CNY

Android Package Helper

per user, per month
19.50 CNY

Applet Runner

per user, per month
40.40 CNY


per user, per month
8.00 CNY


per user, per month
4.10 CNY

Atom One Dark By Mayke

per user, per month
56.10 CNY

Auto API Generator

per user, per month
48.70 CNY

AWS Lambda Deployer

per user, per month
32.20 CNY

SQL Optimizer,Index Advisor MySQL/Postgre/Oracle, Tune by PawSQL

per user, per month
125.00 CNY


per user, per month
16.00 CNY

Azure Coding

per user, per month
82.00 CNY

Backlog Integration

per user, per month
33.00 CNY

BashSupport Pro

per user, per month
80.00 CNY

Better Highlights

per user, per month
24.80 CNY

Bitrise Dashboard

per user, per month
21.00 CNY

AutoCode for Java

per user, per month
15.70 CNY


per user, per month
82.00 CNY


per user, per month
24.80 CNY


per user, per month
8.00 CNY


per user, per month
8.00 CNY

API Runner

per user, per month
23.90 CNY

MQTT Client

per user, per month
8.00 CNY

ChatGPT Coding

per user, per month
8.00 CNY


per user, per month
66.00 CNY

CircleCI Dashboard

per user, per month
21.00 CNY


per user, per month
41.00 CNY


per user, per month
57.80 CNY


per user, per month
16.00 CNY

CMake Plus

per user, per month
82.00 CNY


per user, per month
205.00 CNY

AWS CodePipeline Dashboard - Execute & Monitor Pipelines

per user, per month
16.00 CNY

Code Refactor AI

per user, per month
106.40 CNY


per user, per month
16.00 CNY

Compose Preview Generator

per user, per month
14.00 CNY

Bitbucket Integration Pro

per user, per month
24.80 CNY

CSV Color Pro

per user, per month
16.00 CNY


per user, per month
41.00 CNY

Code With Me

per user, per month
90.00 CNY


per user, per month
55.00 CNY


per user, per month
825.00 CNY


per user, per month
40.40 CNY

Database Tool

per user, per month
24.80 CNY

SSH Tool

per user, per month
24.80 CNY

Typed Django Template

per user, per month
24.80 CNY


per user, per month
33.00 CNY

DryPush: AWS | GCP | Alibaba Deploy & Upload

per user, per month
30.50 CNY


per user, per month
371.30 CNY


per user, per month
57.80 CNY

Editor Assist For Code

per user, per month
8.00 CNY


per user, per month
57.80 CNY

Elm Pro

per user, per month
132.00 CNY


per user, per month
5.00 CNY


per user, per month
321.80 CNY

Extensions Manager

per user, per month
8.00 CNY

Extra Tools Pack

per user, per month
17.30 CNY

Extra Icons

per user, per month
12.40 CNY

Extra IDE Tweaks

per user, per month
21.00 CNY

Extra ToolWindow Colorful Icons

per user, per month
8.00 CNY

Fast Request – API Buddy

per user, per month
23.90 CNY


per user, per month
156.80 CNY

Firebase Firestore

per user, per month
57.80 CNY

Firebase Rules

per user, per month
29.00 CNY

Flink SQL Helper

per user, per month
55.00 CNY

Flutter Storm

per user, per month
21.00 CNY


per user, per month
156.80 CNY

Find In Files (Favorites)

per user, per month
16.00 CNY

Generator Crud

per user, per month
82.00 CNY

Gerry Aurora

per user, per month
8.00 CNY

Gerry Cherry

per user, per month
8.00 CNY

Gerry Coffee

per user, per month
8.00 CNY

Gerry Cyberpunk

per user, per month
8.00 CNY

Gerry Nature

per user, per month
8.00 CNY

Gerry Space

per user, per month
8.00 CNY

Gerry Themes Pro

per user, per month
16.00 CNY
14.40 CNY

GitHub Actions Manager

per user, per month
33.00 CNY


per user, per month
8.00 CNY

Github CI Dashboard

per user, per month
32.20 CNY

GitLab Integration Pro

per user, per month
24.80 CNY

GitLab CICD - Pipelines & Jobs, Builds Run Cancel Retry View Log

per user, per month
24.80 CNY

GitLab Master

per user, per month
8.00 CNY

GitLab Multi-Repo Search

per user, per month
41.00 CNY

Git Scope

per user, per month
8.00 CNY


per user, per month
33.00 CNY

Git Worktree

per user, per month
16.00 CNY

Execution God Recorder

per user, per month
16.00 CNY

Auto GOLang Code Suggestions

per user, per month
40.40 CNY

GPT Assistant

per user, per month
8.00 CNY

Heroku Dashboard

per user, per month
40.40 CNY

Php Inspections (EA Ultimate)

per user, per month
57.80 CNY


per user, per month
48.70 CNY

Hybris Integration

per user, per month
165.00 CNY

Debug Image Viewer

per user, per month
33.00 CNY

IntelliPHP - AI Autocomplete for PHP

per user, per month
48.70 CNY

Code Notes:Project Notes, Visual Markdown Editor

per user, per month
23.90 CNY

Auto Java Code Suggestions

per user, per month
40.40 CNY

JavaDoc Clean Read

per user, per month
82.00 CNY

Jenkinsfile Pro

per user, per month
53.60 CNY

JetClient - The Ultimate REST Client

per user, per month
40.40 CNY

JetForcer | The Smartest IDE

per user, per month
132.00 CNY

JFormDesigner (Marketplace Edition)

per user, per month
106.40 CNY

Auto Javascript Code Suggestions

per user, per month
40.40 CNY

JSON Browser

per user, per month
16.00 CNY

JSON Key Finder

per user, per month
48.70 CNY

Jsonnet Pro

per user, per month
24.80 CNY


per user, per month
16.00 CNY


per user, per month
57.80 CNY


per user, per month
71.00 CNY

Czech Language Pack / Lokalizace IDE Do Češtiny

per user, per month
48.70 CNY

Deutsch (German) Language Pack / Deutsches Sprachpaket

per user, per month
48.70 CNY

Spanish Language Pack / Paquete De Idioma Español

per user, per month
48.70 CNY

French Language Pack / Pack De Langue Français

per user, per month
48.70 CNY

Hungarian Language Pack / Magyar Nyelvi Csomag

per user, per month
48.70 CNY

Italian Language Pack / Pacchetto Lingua Italiano

per user, per month
48.70 CNY

Polish Language Pack / Lokalizacja IDE Na Język Polski

per user, per month
48.70 CNY

Portuguese Language Pack / Pacote De Idioma Português

per user, per month
48.70 CNY

Russian Language Pack / Локализация IDE На Русский Язык

per user, per month
48.70 CNY

Turkish Language Pack / IDE'nin Türkçe'ye Yerelleştirilmesi

per user, per month
48.70 CNY

Traditional Chinese Language Pack / IDE 本地化為繁體中文

per user, per month
48.70 CNY

Laravel Idea

per user, per month
80.00 CNY

Latte Pro

per user, per month
74.30 CNY

LeetCode Editor Pro

per user, per month
23.90 CNY

Live Scripting 2D

per user, per month
33.00 CNY

Locale Sphere

per user, per month
55.00 CNY

LocalStack Toolkit

per user, per month
18.20 CNY


per user, per month
71.00 CNY

Magento and Adobe Commerce PhpStorm by Atwix

per user, per month
41.00 CNY


per user, per month
9.90 CNY


per user, per month
165.00 CNY

Material Theme UI

per user, per month
61.90 CNY

Mybatis Smart Code Help Pro

per user, per month
16.00 CNY

Mongo DB Browser

per user, per month
24.80 CNY

Monokai Pro Theme

per user, per month
41.00 CNY

Merge Request Integration EE - Code Review for GitLab

per user, per month
24.80 CNY

MyBatis Dao Generator

per user, per month
495.00 CNY

MyBatisCodeHelperPro (Marketplace Edition)

per user, per month
24.80 CNY


per user, per month
21.00 CNY

MySQL Proxy

per user, per month
9.90 CNY

TamaCat Web Browser

per user, per month
66.00 CNY

NEON Nette Support

per user, per month
50.00 CNY

Netlify Dashboard

per user, per month
55.00 CNY


per user, per month
53.60 CNY


per user, per month
57.80 CNY


per user, per month
41.00 CNY

Nginx Configuration Pro

per user, per month
41.00 CNY

NoSQL Navigator For MongoDB

per user, per month
32.20 CNY


per user, per month
55.00 CNY

PolyBPMN visualizer

per user, per month
32.20 CNY

Onegai Copilot

per user, per month
47.90 CNY

OpenAPI Editor

per user, per month
21.00 CNY

OpenAPI CRUD Wizard

per user, per month
99.00 CNY

OrchidE - Ansible Language Support

per user, per month
98.20 CNY

OWASP IDE-VulScanner

per user, per month
57.80 CNY

JSON Schema Visualizer/Editor

per user, per month
33.00 CNY

JSON Schema Generator

per user, per month
21.00 CNY

XSD to JSON Schema

per user, per month
21.00 CNY

Maven Plug-in Extensions

per user, per month
16.00 CNY

Auto PHP Code Suggestions

per user, per month
40.40 CNY

PHP Houdini

per user, per month
19.00 CNY

IDE Plug DevKit Maven

per user, per month
123.80 CNY

POJO to JSON Schema

per user, per month
82.00 CNY

Polaris Tomcat Server

per user, per month
24.80 CNY


per user, per month
8.00 CNY


per user, per month
23.90 CNY

PlantUML Studio

per user, per month
41.00 CNY

Auto Python Code Suggestions

per user, per month
40.40 CNY


per user, per month
23.90 CNY

Qt Style Sheets Editor

per user, per month
23.10 CNY


per user, per month
1.60 CNY

Rainbow Brackets

per user, per month
21.00 CNY


per user, per month
41.00 CNY


per user, per month
74.30 CNY

Redis Manager

per user, per month
4.10 CNY

Redis Operator

per user, per month
29.00 CNY


per user, per month
41.00 CNY

Retrofit Assistant

per user, per month
12.40 CNY

React Native Console

per user, per month
19.50 CNY


per user, per month
80.00 CNY

Magnolia YAML Assistant

per user, per month
80.00 CNY

Auto Ruby Code Suggestions

per user, per month
40.40 CNY

Schema Registry Viewer

per user, per month
16.00 CNY

Scipio ERP Integration

per user, per month
123.80 CNY

Flexible Freemarker

per user, per month
80.00 CNY

Magnolia CMS Integration

per user, per month
99.00 CNY


per user, per month
8.00 CNY


per user, per month
40.40 CNY

Sentry Integration

per user, per month
24.80 CNY

per user, per month
16.00 CNY

SequenceDiagram Core

per user, per month
16.00 CNY


per user, per month
82.00 CNY

Salesforce B2C Commerce (SFCC)

per user, per month
57.80 CNY


per user, per month
165.00 CNY

Smart Cryptor

per user, per month
16.00 CNY

Smart Input Pro (Japan, South Korea, Russia & more)

per user, per month
16.00 CNY

Smart Tomcat Pro

per user, per month
16.00 CNY

Soteri Secret Scanner

per user, per month
82.00 CNY

Source Synchronizer Pro

per user, per month
65.20 CNY

Spark SQL Helper

per user, per month
29.00 CNY


per user, per month
24.80 CNY

Speech-To-Text (AWS Transcribe)

per user, per month
8.00 CNY


per user, per month
80.00 CNY


per user, per month
66.00 CNY


per user, per month
50.00 CNY

Spring Rest Code Generator

per user, per month
16.00 CNY

SystemVerilog Studio

per user, per month
410.00 CNY

Swift Support

per user, per month
16.00 CNY


per user, per month
32.20 CNY

Symfony Support

per user, per month
19.00 CNY

SystemVerilog Language Support

per user, per month
148.00 CNY

Tailwind Fold

per user, per month
16.00 CNY

Snippet Toolkit for Tailwind CSS

per user, per month
410.00 CNY

Terminal Pro

per user, per month
17.30 CNY


per user, per month
80.00 CNY

Travis CI Dashboard

per user, per month
16.00 CNY

Uniapp Support

per user, per month
48.70 CNY

Verilog Language Support

per user, per month
140.00 CNY

VHDL Language Support

per user, per month
140.00 CNY

JDK VisualGC

per user, per month
15.70 CNY


per user, per month
550.00 CNY

Voqal Assistant

per user, per month
210.00 CNY


per user, per month
82.00 CNY


per user, per month
33.00 CNY

Android WiFiADB

per user, per month
33.00 CNY


per user, per month
24.80 CNY

Wolfram Language

per user, per month
396.00 CNY


per user, per month
41.00 CNY


per user, per month
82.00 CNY


per user, per month
82.00 CNY

XSD / WSDL Visualizer

per user, per month
82.00 CNY

Yaoqiang BPMN Editor

per user, per month
404.30 CNY

Yii2 Framework Support

per user, per month
57.80 CNY

Yimi CodeGen

per user, per month
82.00 CNY

ZenUML Support

per user, per month
16.00 CNY

Zerocode Scenario Helper

per user, per month
21.00 CNY


per user, per month
5.00 CNY


per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

AEM Support

per user, per year
619.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
1,300.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

AI Coding

per user, per year
82.00 CNY


per user, per year
41.00 CNY

Android Package Helper

per user, per year
195.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Applet Runner

per user, per year
404.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Atom One Dark By Mayke

per user, per year
561.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Auto API Generator

per user, per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
148.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

AWS Lambda Deployer

per user, per year
322.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

SQL Optimizer,Index Advisor MySQL/Postgre/Oracle, Tune by PawSQL

per user, per year
1,250.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
165.00 CNY

Backlog Integration

per user, per year
330.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

BashSupport Pro

per user, per year
800.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Simple Object Copy

per user, per year
8.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Better Highlights

per user, per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

BetterX Tools

per user, per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Android Antidecompiler

per user, per year
6,188.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Java Antidecompiler

per user, per year
6,188.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Bitrise Dashboard

per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Brew Bundle

per user, per year
25.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

AutoCode for Java

per user, per year
157.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Build Monitor

per user, per year
99.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Camunda Starter

per user, per year
25.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

API Runner

per user, per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

MQTT Client

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

ChatGPT Coding

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
660.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

CircleCI Dashboard

per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
410.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
165.00 CNY

CMake Plus

per user, per year
825.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
8.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
2,050.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

AWS CodePipeline Dashboard - Execute & Monitor Pipelines

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Code Refactor AI

per user, per year
1,064.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Compose Preview Generator

per user, per year
140.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Connect Api

per user, per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Bitbucket Integration Pro

per user, per year
248.00 CNY

CSV Color Pro

per user, per year
165.00 CNY


per user, per year
410.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Code With Me

per user, per year
900.00 CNY


per user, per year
550.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
8,250.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Database Helper

per user, per year
1,320.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
404.00 CNY

Database Tool

per user, per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

SSH Tool

per user, per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Alibaba Sentinel Annotation Support

per user, per year
99.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Alibaba Sentinel Annotation Support Freemium

per user, per year
99.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Resilience4j Annotation Support

per user, per year
99.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
330.00 CNY

DryPush: AWS | GCP | Alibaba Deploy & Upload

per user, per year
305.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
578.00 CNY

Editor Assist For Code

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
578.00 CNY

Elm Pro

per user, per year
1,320.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
50.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
3,218.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Extensions Manager

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Extra Tools Pack

per user, per year
173.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Extra Icons

per user, per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Extra IDE Tweaks

per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Extra ToolWindow Colorful Icons

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Fast Request – API Buddy

per user, per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
1,568.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
25.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Firebase Firestore

per user, per year
578.00 CNY

Firebase Rules

per user, per year
290.00 CNY

Flink SQL Helper

per user, per year
550.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Flutter Storm

per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
1,568.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Find In Files (Favorites)

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Generate Document

per user, per year
1,480.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Generator Crud

per user, per year
825.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
8.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Gerry Aurora

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Gerry Cherry

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Gerry Coffee

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Gerry Cyberpunk

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Gerry Nature

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Gerry Space

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Gerry Themes Pro

per user, per year
165.00 CNY
148.50 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

GitHub Actions Manager

per user, per year
330.00 CNY


per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Github CI Dashboard

per user, per year
322.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

GitLab Integration Pro

per user, per year
248.00 CNY

Gitlab CI Pipeline Dashboard

per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

GitLab CICD - Pipelines & Jobs, Builds Run Cancel Retry View Log

per user, per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

GitLab Master

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

GitLab Multi-Repo Search

per user, per year
410.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Git Scope

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
330.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Git Worktree

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Execution God Recorder

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Auto GOLang Code Suggestions

per user, per year
404.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
410.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

GPT Assistant

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Heroku Dashboard

per user, per year
404.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

PHP Data Object Generator

per user, per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Php Inspections (EA Ultimate)

per user, per year
578.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Hybris Integration

per user, per year
1,650.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Iedis 2

per user, per year
1,150.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
8.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Debug Image Viewer

per user, per year
330.00 CNY

IntelliPHP - AI Autocomplete for PHP

per user, per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Code Notes:Project Notes, Visual Markdown Editor

per user, per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Auto Java Code Suggestions

per user, per year
404.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JavaDoc Clean Read

per user, per year
825.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
410.00 CNY

Jenkinsfile Pro

per user, per year
536.00 CNY

Jenkinsfile Linter Offline

per user, per year
330.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JetClient - The Ultimate REST Client

per user, per year
404.00 CNY

JetForcer | The Smartest IDE

per user, per year
1,320.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JFormDesigner (Marketplace Edition)

per user, per year
1,064.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JMeter Manager

per user, per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JMeter Runner

per user, per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JMeter Viewer

per user, per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Auto Javascript Code Suggestions

per user, per year
404.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JSON Browser

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JSON Key Finder

per user, per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Jsonnet Pro

per user, per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JTracker: MyBatis Log & JPA Log

per user, per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Kafka Client

per user, per year
99.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
578.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Kotlin Parameter Object

per user, per year
16.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
124.00 CNY


per user, per year
710.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
50.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Czech Language Pack / Lokalizace IDE Do Češtiny

per user, per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Deutsch (German) Language Pack / Deutsches Sprachpaket

per user, per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Spanish Language Pack / Paquete De Idioma Español

per user, per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

French Language Pack / Pack De Langue Français

per user, per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Hungarian Language Pack / Magyar Nyelvi Csomag

per user, per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Italian Language Pack / Pacchetto Lingua Italiano

per user, per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Polish Language Pack / Lokalizacja IDE Na Język Polski

per user, per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Portuguese Language Pack / Pacote De Idioma Português

per user, per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Russian Language Pack / Локализация IDE На Русский Язык

per user, per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Turkish Language Pack / IDE'nin Türkçe'ye Yerelleştirilmesi

per user, per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Traditional Chinese Language Pack / IDE 本地化為繁體中文

per user, per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Laravel Idea

per user, per year
800.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Latte Pro

per user, per year
743.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

LeetCode Editor Pro

per user, per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Locale Sphere

per user, per year
550.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

LocalStack Toolkit

per user, per year
182.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
710.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Magento and Adobe Commerce PhpStorm by Atwix

per user, per year
410.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Manage Projects

per user, per year
66.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
99.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
1,650.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Material Theme UI Custom Theme

per user, per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Material Theme UI Extras

per user, per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Material Theme UI Project Frame

per user, per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Material Theme UI High Contrast

per user, per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Material Theme UI Language Additions

per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Material Theme UI

per user, per year
619.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
16.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Mybatis Smart Code Help Pro

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Micronaut Launch

per user, per year
25.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
1,650.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Mongo DB

per user, per year
66.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Mongo DB Browser

per user, per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Monokai Pro Theme

per user, per year
410.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Merge Request Integration EE - Code Review for GitLab

per user, per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
16.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

MyBatis Dao Generator

per user, per year
5,000.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

MyBatisCodeHelperPro (Marketplace Edition)

per user, per year
248.00 CNY

MyBatis Log

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Mybatis Log Ultra

per user, per year
165.00 CNY
49.50 CNY


per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

MySQL Proxy

per user, per year
99.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

TamaCat Web Browser

per user, per year
660.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

NEON Nette Support

per user, per year
495.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Netlify Dashboard

per user, per year
550.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
578.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Nginx Configuration Pro

per user, per year
410.00 CNY


per user, per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

NoSQL Navigator For MongoDB

per user, per year
322.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

NPM Package Json

per user, per year
99.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
550.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

PolyBPMN visualizer

per user, per year
322.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Onegai Copilot

per user, per year
479.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

OpenAPI Editor

per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

OrchidE - Ansible Language Support

per user, per year
982.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

OWASP IDE-VulScanner

per user, per year
578.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JSON Schema Visualizer/Editor

per user, per year
330.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JSON Schema Generator

per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

XSD to JSON Schema

per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Maven Plug-in Extensions

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Auto PHP Code Suggestions

per user, per year
404.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

PHP Houdini

per user, per year
190.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

IDE Plug DevKit Maven

per user, per year
1,238.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

POJO to JSON Schema

per user, per year
825.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Polaris Tomcat Server

per user, per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

PlantUML Studio

per user, per year
410.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Auto Python Code Suggestions

per user, per year
404.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Qt Style Sheets Editor

per user, per year
231.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Quarkus Assistant

per user, per year
25.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
16.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Rainbow Brackets

per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
410.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
743.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Redis Client

per user, per year
58.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Redis Manager

per user, per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Redis Operator

per user, per year
290.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
410.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Regex Tool

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Retrofit Assistant

per user, per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

React Native Console

per user, per year
195.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
800.00 CNY

Magnolia YAML Assistant

per user, per year
800.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Auto Ruby Code Suggestions

per user, per year
404.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Schema Registry Viewer

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Scipio ERP Integration

per user, per year
1,238.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Flexible Freemarker

per user, per year
800.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Magnolia CMS Integration

per user, per year
990.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
404.00 CNY

Sentry Integration

per user, per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

SequenceDiagram C/C++

per user, per year
99.00 CNY

SequenceDiagram Core

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

SequenceDiagram Go

per user, per year
99.00 CNY

SequenceDiagram JS

per user, per year
99.00 CNY


per user, per year
825.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

SequenceDiagram Python

per user, per year
99.00 CNY

SequenceDiagram Rust

per user, per year
99.00 CNY

Salesforce B2C Commerce (SFCC)

per user, per year
578.00 CNY


per user, per year
1,650.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Smart Cryptor

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Smart Input Pro (Japan, South Korea, Russia & more)

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Smart Jump

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Smart Tomcat Pro

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Snapshots for AI

per user, per year
404.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Soteri Secret Scanner

per user, per year
825.00 CNY

Source Synchronizer Pro

per user, per year
652.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Spark SQL Helper

per user, per year
290.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Speech-To-Text (AWS Transcribe)

per user, per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Spring Boot Helper

per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
800.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
660.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Sqlfluff Linter (Ultimate Edition)

per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
495.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Spring Rest Code Generator

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

SystemVerilog Studio

per user, per year
4,100.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Swift Support

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

SwissKit Converter

per user, per year
8.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
322.00 CNY

Symfony Support

per user, per year
190.00 CNY

SystemVerilog Language Support

per user, per year
1,480.00 CNY

Tailwind Fold

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Snippet Toolkit for Tailwind CSS

per user, per year
4,100.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Terminal Pro

per user, per year
173.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
800.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Travis CI Dashboard

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Uniapp Support

per user, per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
578.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Verilog Language Support

per user, per year
1,400.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

VHDL Language Support

per user, per year
1,400.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JDK VisualGC

per user, per year
157.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
5,693.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Voqal Assistant

per user, per year
2,063.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

VSCode Icons

per user, per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
825.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
330.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Android WiFiADB

per user, per year
330.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Wolfram Language

per user, per year
3,960.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
410.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
825.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
825.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

XSD / WSDL Visualizer

per user, per year
825.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Yaoqiang BPMN Editor

per user, per year
4,043.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Yii2 Framework Support

per user, per year
578.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Yimi CodeGen

per user, per year
825.00 CNY

ZenUML Support

per user, per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Zerocode Scenario Helper

per user, per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per user, per year
50.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Plugins Marketplace extends JetBrains product offerings with a variety of third-party plugins (both free and paid.) For the paid plugins, third-party vendors are developing their plugins and selling them taking advantage of licensing and billing solutions provided by JetBrains.

Benefits for End-users:

  • Additional functionality thanks to paid plugins from third-party developers.
  • Easier plugin installations, payments, sign-ups, and management via JetBrains Account.
  • Easy-to-use licenses via JetBrains Account, including management of all subscriptions/licenses, on-premises license server.
  • Co-terming of licenses with JetBrains product licenses.
  • Closer association of Marketplace plugins with JetBrains and JetBrains Products.
  • Security and privacy protection: no need to provide credit card information or any other data to an external entity when purchasing a plugin.
  • Paid plugins sold via JetBrains conform to the JetBrains Marketplace Vendor Agreement, which provides additional protection for end-users.

Both paid and free versions of IntelliJ IDEA-based IDEs are supported (including Community Edition, Educational Edition, and third-party IDEs built on top of IntelliJ Platform). The support for other JetBrains tools (such as .NET and Team Tools) will be coming later.

Supported Products

  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • CLion
  • DataGrip
  • GoLand
  • PhpStorm
  • PyCharm
  • Rider
  • RubyMine
  • WebStorm

Combine and Copy Files to Clipboard For AI and LLM

per month
8.00 CNY


per month
8.00 CNY

AEM Support

per month
21.00 CNY


per month
55.00 CNY


per month
8.00 CNY
4.00 CNY

Android Package Helper

per month
7.40 CNY

Applet Runner

per month
23.90 CNY


per month
4.10 CNY


per month
4.10 CNY

Atom One Dark By Mayke

per month
9.90 CNY

Auto API Generator

per month
48.70 CNY

AWS Lambda Deployer

per month
15.70 CNY

SQL Optimizer,Index Advisor MySQL/Postgre/Oracle, Tune by PawSQL

per month
80.00 CNY


per month
8.00 CNY

Azure Coding

per month
8.00 CNY

Backlog Integration

per month
8.00 CNY

BashSupport Pro

per month
32.20 CNY

Better Highlights

per month
12.40 CNY

Bitrise Dashboard

per month
12.40 CNY

AutoCode for Java

per month
7.40 CNY


per month
16.00 CNY


per month
8.00 CNY


per month
4.10 CNY


per month
4.10 CNY

API Runner

per month
23.90 CNY

MQTT Client

per month
8.00 CNY

ChatGPT Coding

per month
8.00 CNY


per month
33.00 CNY

CircleCI Dashboard

per month
8.00 CNY


per month
41.00 CNY


per month
57.80 CNY


per month
8.00 CNY

CMake Plus

per month
33.00 CNY


per month
125.00 CNY

AWS CodePipeline Dashboard - Execute & Monitor Pipelines

per month
8.00 CNY

Code Refactor AI

per month
80.00 CNY


per month
12.40 CNY

Compose Preview Generator

per month
9.90 CNY

Bitbucket Integration Pro

per month
9.90 CNY

CSV Color Pro

per month
12.40 CNY


per month
16.00 CNY

Code With Me

per month
45.00 CNY


per month
14.00 CNY


per month
410.00 CNY


per month
23.90 CNY

Database Tool

per month
12.40 CNY

SSH Tool

per month
12.40 CNY

Typed Django Template

per month
8.00 CNY


per month
16.00 CNY

DryPush: AWS | GCP | Alibaba Deploy & Upload

per month
14.00 CNY


per month
41.00 CNY


per month
24.80 CNY

Editor Assist For Code

per month
8.00 CNY


per month
24.80 CNY

Elm Pro

per month
115.50 CNY


per month
1.60 CNY


per month
32.20 CNY

Extensions Manager

per month
8.00 CNY

Extra Tools Pack

per month
17.30 CNY

Extra Icons

per month
12.40 CNY

Extra IDE Tweaks

per month
12.40 CNY

Extra ToolWindow Colorful Icons

per month
8.00 CNY

Fast Request – API Buddy

per month
15.70 CNY


per month
15.70 CNY

Firebase Firestore

per month
24.80 CNY

Firebase Rules

per month
5.80 CNY

Flink SQL Helper

per month
23.90 CNY

Flutter Storm

per month
16.00 CNY


per month
15.70 CNY

Find In Files (Favorites)

per month
8.00 CNY

Generator Crud

per month
15.70 CNY

Gerry Aurora

per month
4.10 CNY

Gerry Cherry

per month
4.10 CNY

Gerry Coffee

per month
4.10 CNY

Gerry Cyberpunk

per month
4.10 CNY

Gerry Nature

per month
4.10 CNY

Gerry Space

per month
4.10 CNY

Gerry Themes Pro

per month
8.00 CNY
7.20 CNY

GitHub Actions Manager

per month
24.80 CNY


per month
8.00 CNY

Github CI Dashboard

per month
14.80 CNY

GitLab Integration Pro

per month
12.40 CNY

GitLab CICD - Pipelines & Jobs, Builds Run Cancel Retry View Log

per month
12.40 CNY

GitLab Master

per month
8.00 CNY

GitLab Multi-Repo Search

per month
23.90 CNY

Git Scope

per month
8.00 CNY


per month
16.00 CNY

Git Worktree

per month
8.00 CNY

Execution God Recorder

per month
8.00 CNY

Auto GOLang Code Suggestions

per month
7.40 CNY

GPT Assistant

per month
8.00 CNY

Heroku Dashboard

per month
15.70 CNY

Php Inspections (EA Ultimate)

per month
29.00 CNY


per month
15.70 CNY

Hybris Integration

per month
82.00 CNY

Debug Image Viewer

per month
16.00 CNY

IntelliPHP - AI Autocomplete for PHP

per month
23.90 CNY

Code Notes:Project Notes, Visual Markdown Editor

per month
15.70 CNY

Auto Java Code Suggestions

per month
7.40 CNY

JavaDoc Clean Read

per month
8.00 CNY

Jenkinsfile Pro

per month
19.50 CNY

JetClient - The Ultimate REST Client

per month
23.90 CNY

JetForcer | The Smartest IDE

per month
82.00 CNY

JFormDesigner (Marketplace Edition)

per month
48.70 CNY

Auto Javascript Code Suggestions

per month
7.40 CNY

JSON Browser

per month
8.00 CNY

JSON Key Finder

per month
23.90 CNY

Jsonnet Pro

per month
8.00 CNY


per month
12.40 CNY


per month
24.80 CNY


per month
22.30 CNY

Czech Language Pack / Lokalizace IDE Do Češtiny

per month
23.90 CNY

Deutsch (German) Language Pack / Deutsches Sprachpaket

per month
23.90 CNY

Spanish Language Pack / Paquete De Idioma Español

per month
23.90 CNY

French Language Pack / Pack De Langue Français

per month
23.90 CNY

Hungarian Language Pack / Magyar Nyelvi Csomag

per month
23.90 CNY

Italian Language Pack / Pacchetto Lingua Italiano

per month
23.90 CNY

Polish Language Pack / Lokalizacja IDE Na Język Polski

per month
23.90 CNY

Portuguese Language Pack / Pacote De Idioma Português

per month
23.90 CNY

Russian Language Pack / Локализация IDE На Русский Язык

per month
23.90 CNY

Turkish Language Pack / IDE'nin Türkçe'ye Yerelleştirilmesi

per month
23.90 CNY

Traditional Chinese Language Pack / IDE 本地化為繁體中文

per month
23.90 CNY

Laravel Idea

per month
40.40 CNY

Latte Pro

per month
41.00 CNY

LeetCode Editor Pro

per month
23.90 CNY

Live Scripting 2D

per month
24.80 CNY

Locale Sphere

per month
23.90 CNY

LocalStack Toolkit

per month
12.40 CNY


per month
31.40 CNY

Magento and Adobe Commerce PhpStorm by Atwix

per month
41.00 CNY


per month
9.90 CNY


per month
165.00 CNY

Material Theme UI

per month
12.40 CNY

Mybatis Smart Code Help Pro

per month
12.40 CNY

Mongo DB Browser

per month
16.00 CNY

Monokai Pro Theme

per month
8.00 CNY

Merge Request Integration EE - Code Review for GitLab

per month
8.00 CNY

MyBatis Dao Generator

per month
247.50 CNY

MyBatisCodeHelperPro (Marketplace Edition)

per month
15.70 CNY


per month
8.00 CNY

MySQL Proxy

per month
9.90 CNY

TamaCat Web Browser

per month
33.00 CNY

NEON Nette Support

per month
24.80 CNY

Netlify Dashboard

per month
21.00 CNY


per month
53.60 CNY


per month
57.80 CNY


per month
41.00 CNY

Nginx Configuration Pro

per month
16.00 CNY

NoSQL Navigator For MongoDB

per month
15.70 CNY


per month
32.20 CNY

PolyBPMN visualizer

per month
15.70 CNY

Onegai Copilot

per month
23.90 CNY

OpenAPI Editor

per month
8.00 CNY

OpenAPI CRUD Wizard

per month
8.00 CNY

OrchidE - Ansible Language Support

per month
48.70 CNY

OWASP IDE-VulScanner

per month
57.80 CNY

JSON Schema Visualizer/Editor

per month
16.00 CNY

JSON Schema Generator

per month
8.00 CNY

XSD to JSON Schema

per month
8.00 CNY

Maven Plug-in Extensions

per month
8.00 CNY

Auto PHP Code Suggestions

per month
7.40 CNY

PHP Houdini

per month
10.70 CNY

IDE Plug DevKit Maven

per month
66.00 CNY

POJO to JSON Schema

per month
8.00 CNY

Polaris Tomcat Server

per month
8.00 CNY


per month
8.00 CNY


per month
15.70 CNY

PlantUML Studio

per month
16.00 CNY

Auto Python Code Suggestions

per month
7.40 CNY


per month
15.70 CNY

Qt Style Sheets Editor

per month
11.60 CNY


per month
1.60 CNY

Rainbow Brackets

per month
12.40 CNY


per month
16.00 CNY


per month
41.00 CNY

Redis Manager

per month
4.10 CNY

Redis Operator

per month
12.40 CNY


per month
41.00 CNY

Retrofit Assistant

per month
8.00 CNY

React Native Console

per month
15.70 CNY


per month
23.90 CNY

Magnolia YAML Assistant

per month
40.40 CNY

Auto Ruby Code Suggestions

per month
7.40 CNY

Schema Registry Viewer

per month
8.00 CNY

Scipio ERP Integration

per month
66.00 CNY

Flexible Freemarker

per month
23.90 CNY

Magnolia CMS Integration

per month
40.40 CNY


per month
8.00 CNY


per month
23.90 CNY

Sentry Integration

per month
8.00 CNY

per month
8.00 CNY

SequenceDiagram Core

per month
8.00 CNY


per month
8.00 CNY

Salesforce B2C Commerce (SFCC)

per month
33.00 CNY


per month
16.00 CNY

Smart Cryptor

per month
8.00 CNY

Smart Input Pro (Japan, South Korea, Russia & more)

per month
8.00 CNY

Smart Tomcat Pro

per month
8.00 CNY

Soteri Secret Scanner

per month
41.00 CNY

Source Synchronizer Pro

per month
48.70 CNY

Spark SQL Helper

per month
12.40 CNY


per month
16.00 CNY

Speech-To-Text (AWS Transcribe)

per month
8.00 CNY


per month
40.40 CNY


per month
33.00 CNY


per month
24.80 CNY

Spring Rest Code Generator

per month
8.00 CNY

SystemVerilog Studio

per month
82.00 CNY

Swift Support

per month
8.00 CNY


per month
15.70 CNY

Symfony Support

per month
8.00 CNY

SystemVerilog Language Support

per month
65.20 CNY

Tailwind Fold

per month
12.40 CNY

Snippet Toolkit for Tailwind CSS

per month
66.00 CNY

Terminal Pro

per month
7.40 CNY


per month
40.40 CNY

Travis CI Dashboard

per month
12.40 CNY

Uniapp Support

per month
23.90 CNY

Verilog Language Support

per month
55.00 CNY

VHDL Language Support

per month
55.00 CNY

JDK VisualGC

per month
7.40 CNY


per month
321.80 CNY

Voqal Assistant

per month
82.00 CNY


per month
24.80 CNY


per month
8.00 CNY

Android WiFiADB

per month
16.00 CNY


per month
16.00 CNY

Wolfram Language

per month
99.00 CNY


per month
8.00 CNY


per month
8.00 CNY


per month
24.80 CNY

XSD / WSDL Visualizer

per month
82.00 CNY

Yaoqiang BPMN Editor

per month
40.40 CNY

Yii2 Framework Support

per month
33.00 CNY

Yimi CodeGen

per month
33.00 CNY

ZenUML Support

per month
8.00 CNY

Zerocode Scenario Helper

per month
12.40 CNY


per month
1.60 CNY


per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

AEM Support

per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
550.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

AI Coding

per year
8.00 CNY


per year
41.00 CNY

Android Package Helper

per year
74.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Applet Runner

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Atom One Dark By Mayke

per year
99.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Auto API Generator

per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
25.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

AWS Lambda Deployer

per year
157.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

SQL Optimizer,Index Advisor MySQL/Postgre/Oracle, Tune by PawSQL

per year
800.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
82.00 CNY

Backlog Integration

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

BashSupport Pro

per year
322.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Simple Object Copy

per year
8.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Better Highlights

per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

BetterX Tools

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Android Antidecompiler

per year
2,888.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Java Antidecompiler

per year
2,888.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Bitrise Dashboard

per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Brew Bundle

per year
8.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

AutoCode for Java

per year
74.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Build Monitor

per year
33.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Camunda Starter

per year
16.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

API Runner

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

MQTT Client

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

ChatGPT Coding

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
330.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

CircleCI Dashboard

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
410.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
82.00 CNY

CMake Plus

per year
330.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
8.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
1,250.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

AWS CodePipeline Dashboard - Execute & Monitor Pipelines

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Code Refactor AI

per year
800.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Compose Preview Generator

per year
99.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Connect Api

per year
58.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Bitbucket Integration Pro

per year
99.00 CNY

CSV Color Pro

per year
124.00 CNY


per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Code With Me

per year
450.00 CNY


per year
140.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
4,100.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Database Helper

per year
132.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
239.00 CNY

Database Tool

per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

SSH Tool

per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Alibaba Sentinel Annotation Support

per year
50.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Alibaba Sentinel Annotation Support Freemium

per year
50.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Resilience4j Annotation Support

per year
50.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
165.00 CNY

DryPush: AWS | GCP | Alibaba Deploy & Upload

per year
140.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
248.00 CNY

Editor Assist For Code

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
248.00 CNY

Elm Pro

per year
1,155.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
16.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
322.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Extensions Manager

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Extra Tools Pack

per year
173.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Extra Icons

per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Extra IDE Tweaks

per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Extra ToolWindow Colorful Icons

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Fast Request – API Buddy

per year
157.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
157.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
8.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Firebase Firestore

per year
248.00 CNY

Firebase Rules

per year
58.00 CNY

Flink SQL Helper

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Flutter Storm

per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
157.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Find In Files (Favorites)

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Generate Document

per year
148.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Generator Crud

per year
157.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
8.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Gerry Aurora

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Gerry Cherry

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Gerry Coffee

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Gerry Cyberpunk

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Gerry Nature

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Gerry Space

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Gerry Themes Pro

per year
82.00 CNY
73.80 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

GitHub Actions Manager

per year
248.00 CNY


per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Github CI Dashboard

per year
148.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

GitLab Integration Pro

per year
124.00 CNY

Gitlab CI Pipeline Dashboard

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

GitLab CICD - Pipelines & Jobs, Builds Run Cancel Retry View Log

per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

GitLab Master

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

GitLab Multi-Repo Search

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Git Scope

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Git Worktree

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Execution God Recorder

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Auto GOLang Code Suggestions

per year
74.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
50.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

GPT Assistant

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Heroku Dashboard

per year
157.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

PHP Data Object Generator

per year
25.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Php Inspections (EA Ultimate)

per year
290.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
157.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Hybris Integration

per year
825.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Iedis 2

per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
8.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Debug Image Viewer

per year
165.00 CNY

IntelliPHP - AI Autocomplete for PHP

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Code Notes:Project Notes, Visual Markdown Editor

per year
157.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Auto Java Code Suggestions

per year
74.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JavaDoc Clean Read

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
99.00 CNY

Jenkinsfile Pro

per year
195.00 CNY

Jenkinsfile Linter Offline

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JetClient - The Ultimate REST Client

per year
239.00 CNY

JetForcer | The Smartest IDE

per year
825.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JFormDesigner (Marketplace Edition)

per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JMeter Manager

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JMeter Runner

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JMeter Viewer

per year
8.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Auto Javascript Code Suggestions

per year
74.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JSON Browser

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JSON Key Finder

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Jsonnet Pro

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JTracker: MyBatis Log & JPA Log

per year
66.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Kafka Client

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Kotlin Parameter Object

per year
16.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
41.00 CNY


per year
223.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Czech Language Pack / Lokalizace IDE Do Češtiny

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Deutsch (German) Language Pack / Deutsches Sprachpaket

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Spanish Language Pack / Paquete De Idioma Español

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

French Language Pack / Pack De Langue Français

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Hungarian Language Pack / Magyar Nyelvi Csomag

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Italian Language Pack / Pacchetto Lingua Italiano

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Polish Language Pack / Lokalizacja IDE Na Język Polski

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Portuguese Language Pack / Pacote De Idioma Português

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Russian Language Pack / Локализация IDE На Русский Язык

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Turkish Language Pack / IDE'nin Türkçe'ye Yerelleştirilmesi

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Traditional Chinese Language Pack / IDE 本地化為繁體中文

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Laravel Idea

per year
404.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Latte Pro

per year
410.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
140.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

LeetCode Editor Pro

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Locale Sphere

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

LocalStack Toolkit

per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
314.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Magento and Adobe Commerce PhpStorm by Atwix

per year
410.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Manage Projects

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
99.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
1,650.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Material Theme UI Custom Theme

per year
50.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Material Theme UI Extras

per year
25.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Material Theme UI Project Frame

per year
25.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Material Theme UI High Contrast

per year
25.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Material Theme UI Language Additions

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Material Theme UI

per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
16.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Mybatis Smart Code Help Pro

per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Micronaut Launch

per year
25.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
660.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Mongo DB

per year
58.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Mongo DB Browser

per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Monokai Pro Theme

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Merge Request Integration EE - Code Review for GitLab

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
16.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

MyBatis Dao Generator

per year
2,500.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

MyBatisCodeHelperPro (Marketplace Edition)

per year
157.00 CNY

MyBatis Log

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Mybatis Log Ultra

per year
124.00 CNY
37.20 CNY


per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

MySQL Proxy

per year
99.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

TamaCat Web Browser

per year
330.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

NEON Nette Support

per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Netlify Dashboard

per year
210.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
578.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Nginx Configuration Pro

per year
165.00 CNY


per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

NoSQL Navigator For MongoDB

per year
157.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

NPM Package Json

per year
66.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
322.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

PolyBPMN visualizer

per year
157.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Onegai Copilot

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

OpenAPI Editor

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

OrchidE - Ansible Language Support

per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

OWASP IDE-VulScanner

per year
578.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JSON Schema Visualizer/Editor

per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JSON Schema Generator

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

XSD to JSON Schema

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Maven Plug-in Extensions

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Auto PHP Code Suggestions

per year
74.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

PHP Houdini

per year
107.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
33.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

IDE Plug DevKit Maven

per year
660.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

POJO to JSON Schema

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Polaris Tomcat Server

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
157.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

PlantUML Studio

per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Auto Python Code Suggestions

per year
74.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
157.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Qt Style Sheets Editor

per year
116.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Quarkus Assistant

per year
25.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
16.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Rainbow Brackets

per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
410.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Redis Client

per year
50.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Redis Manager

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Redis Operator

per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
410.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Regex Tool

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Retrofit Assistant

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

React Native Console

per year
157.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
239.00 CNY

Magnolia YAML Assistant

per year
404.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Auto Ruby Code Suggestions

per year
74.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Schema Registry Viewer

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Scipio ERP Integration

per year
660.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Flexible Freemarker

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Magnolia CMS Integration

per year
404.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
239.00 CNY

Sentry Integration

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

SequenceDiagram C/C++

per year
50.00 CNY

SequenceDiagram Core

per year
82.00 CNY

SequenceDiagram Go

per year
50.00 CNY

SequenceDiagram JS

per year
50.00 CNY


per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

SequenceDiagram Python

per year
50.00 CNY

SequenceDiagram Rust

per year
50.00 CNY

Salesforce B2C Commerce (SFCC)

per year
330.00 CNY


per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Smart Cryptor

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Smart Input Pro (Japan, South Korea, Russia & more)

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Smart Jump

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Smart Tomcat Pro

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Snapshots for AI

per year
99.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Soteri Secret Scanner

per year
410.00 CNY

Source Synchronizer Pro

per year
487.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Spark SQL Helper

per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Speech-To-Text (AWS Transcribe)

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Spring Boot Helper

per year
148.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
404.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
330.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Sqlfluff Linter (Ultimate Edition)

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Spring Rest Code Generator

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

SystemVerilog Studio

per year
825.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Swift Support

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

SwissKit Converter

per year
8.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
157.00 CNY

Symfony Support

per year
82.00 CNY

SystemVerilog Language Support

per year
652.00 CNY

Tailwind Fold

per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Snippet Toolkit for Tailwind CSS

per year
660.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Terminal Pro

per year
74.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
404.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Travis CI Dashboard

per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Uniapp Support

per year
239.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
58.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Verilog Language Support

per year
550.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

VHDL Language Support

per year
550.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

JDK VisualGC

per year
74.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
3,218.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Voqal Assistant

per year
825.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

VSCode Icons

per year
41.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Android WiFiADB

per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
165.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Wolfram Language

per year
990.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
248.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

XSD / WSDL Visualizer

per year
825.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Yaoqiang BPMN Editor

per year
404.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Yii2 Framework Support

per year
330.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Yimi CodeGen

per year
330.00 CNY

ZenUML Support

per year
82.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Zerocode Scenario Helper

per year
124.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off


per year
16.00 CNY

second year

20% off

third year onwards

40% off

Plugins Marketplace extends JetBrains product offerings with a variety of third-party plugins (both free and paid.) For the paid plugins, third-party vendors are developing their plugins and selling them taking advantage of licensing and billing solutions provided by JetBrains.

Benefits for End-users:

  • Additional functionality thanks to paid plugins from third-party developers.
  • Easier plugin installations, payments, sign-ups, and management via JetBrains Account.
  • Easy-to-use licenses via JetBrains Account, including management of all subscriptions/licenses, on-premises license server.
  • Co-terming of licenses with JetBrains product licenses.
  • Closer association of Marketplace plugins with JetBrains and JetBrains Products.
  • Security and privacy protection: no need to provide credit card information or any other data to an external entity when purchasing a plugin.
  • Paid plugins sold via JetBrains conform to the JetBrains Marketplace Vendor Agreement, which provides additional protection for end-users.

Both paid and free versions of IntelliJ IDEA-based IDEs are supported (including Community Edition, Educational Edition, and third-party IDEs built on top of IntelliJ Platform). The support for other JetBrains tools (such as .NET and Team Tools) will be coming later.

Supported Products

  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • CLion
  • DataGrip
  • GoLand
  • PhpStorm
  • PyCharm
  • Rider
  • RubyMine
  • WebStorm