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Developer and team productivity with JetBrains Space

IntelliJ IDEA + Space = Complete Environment for Collaborative Software Development

Introduction to automation: CI/CD in Space

Discover How Other Companies Benefit From Using Space

Garth Gilmour

Head of Learning, Instil

When the social distancing restrictions were introduced in March 2020, we needed a tool that would let us collaborate online with students as part of virtual deliveries, and Space was the obvious choice.

Andras Kindler

Co-Founder, Makery

Rather than using a multitude of individual tools, we’ve always preferred integrated environments. We started looking for a new digital home, and when we heard about Space at KotlinConf, we really liked the concept. So we decided to sign up.

Anna Vinogradova

Chief Marketing Officer, AmberCore Software Ltd

Communication has become faster since we started using Space. I think the deciding factors in choosing to go with Space were its ease of use and versatility.

Wooseong Kim

APAC Channel Lead and Partnership Manager, Tangunsoft

JetBrains helps you write clean, professional, maintainable code of the highest quality.