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Useful shortcuts

  • Alt + Enter
    Show intention actions and quick-fixes
  • Alt + Insert
    Generate code
  • Alt + F7
    Find usages
  • Double Shift
    Search Everywhere
  • F2
    Navigate to the next error
  • Ctrl + Alt + L
    Reformat code
  • Ctrl + B
    Go to Declaration
  • Alt + Enter
    Show intention actions and quick-fixes
  • F2
    Navigate to the next error
  • Alt + Insert
    Generate code
  • Ctrl + Alt + L
    Reformat code
  • Alt + F7
    Find usages
  • Ctrl + B
    Go to Declaration
  • Double Shift
    Search Everywhere

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Tips & Tricks

Learn how to comment your code like a pro with IntelliJ IDEA's powerful tools! Using a CoffeeMaker Java program, we'll cover line comments, block comments, TODOs, and Javadoc generation—both manual and AI-powered.

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Code comments: Everything you need to know
In this video, we explore seven hidden features of the JetBrains AI Assistant Chat that can help you work smarter and faster in your IDE! 

Learn how to:

• Open the AI Assistant chat window efficiently
• Ask project-specific questions and get tailored answers
• Add relevant code snippets and files to your prompts
• Manage and customize the chat context for better responses
• Save prompts for future use
• Change the chat language to your preference
• Discover new AI Assistant features within the chat window itself

Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, these tips will help you get more out of your AI Assistant! If you found this video helpful, make sure to like, subscribe, and leave a comment with your thoughts. Happy coding!

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Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://jb.gg/Top15IntelliJIDEAShortcuts
7 Things You Didn’t Know about AI Assistant Chat
In this video, we will look at how to locate code without much prior knowledge of the project structure and APIs, debug hanging applications, and fix faulty code on the fly.

00:00-00:16 Intro 
00:16-00:31 Example app
00:31-01:02 Method breakpoints
01:02-01:21 Pause application
01:21-01:43 Thread dumps
01:43-02:31 Fixing the bug

This video is inspired by a blog post by Igor Kulakov. If you prefer reading over watching, be sure to check out the full article here: https://jb.gg/ykca04 

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Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://jb.gg/Top15IntelliJIDEAShortcuts
Unfreeze Your Apps: Debugging Tips
You want to perform an action in IntelliJ IDEA, but don’t remember the shortcut. Use Find Action, ⇧⌘A (on macOS) or Control+Shift+A (on Windows/Linux) to find any action in IntelliJ IDEA.

Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea
Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://jb.gg/Top15IntelliJIDEAShortcuts

*Author: Marit van Dijk

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: Find Action
If you accidentally committed your code to the wrong branch, you don't have to redo the work. IntelliJ IDEA offers a low-stress solution by allowing you to move your commit to a different branch using Git's cherry-pick option.

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Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://jb.gg/Top15IntelliJIDEAShortcuts

#jetbrains #git #cherrypicking #intellij
Cherry Picking Git Commits To A Different Branch
As developers, we spend more time reading code than writing it, and this video provides tips to enhance your code-reading skills within the IntelliJ IDEA IDE. Learn how to leverage features like syntax highlighting, inlay hints, and code formatting to navigate and understand code effortlessly. Discover techniques to quickly scan code, collapse and expand sections for efficient navigation, and use powerful search functionalities to locate specific elements.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, these tips will empower you to read and comprehend code with confidence, making your coding journey in IntelliJ IDEA a seamless and productive experience.

00:00 - Intro
00:13 - Syntax highlighting & inlay hints
00:37 - Formatting
00:46 - Structure
01:33 - Searching
02:01 - Quick Documentation & Type Information
02:22 - Comments & reader mode
03:00 - Testing & debugging
04:11 - Refactoring for understanding
04:37 - Version control (Git) history
05:26 - JetBrains AI Assistant

For more information, take a look at:
Code style and formatting: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/code-style.html
Inlay hints: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/inlay-hints.html
Structure popup: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/viewing-structure-of-a-source-file.html#structure-popup
Structure tool window: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/viewing-structure-of-a-source-file.html#structure-tool-window
Search for a target within a file: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/finding-and-replacing-text-in-file.html
Code reference information: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/viewing-reference-information.html
Reader mode: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/reader-mode.html
Render Javadocs: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/javadocs.html#toggle-rendered-view
Testing in IntelliJ IDEA: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/tests-in-ide.html
Debug code: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/debugging-code.html
Step through the program: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/stepping-through-the-program.html
Code refactoring: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/refactoring-source-code.html
Version control: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/version-control-integration.html
JetBrains AI Assistant: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/ai-assistant.html

*Author: Marit van Dijk

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Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://jb.gg/Top15IntelliJIDEAShortcuts

#IntelliJIDEA #CodeReading #ProgrammingTips #DeveloperTools #CodingTutorial #JetBrainsIDE #CodeComprehension #SoftwareDevelopment

#IntelliJIDEA #CodeReading #ProgrammingTips #DeveloperTools #CodingTutorial #JetBrainsIDE #CodeComprehension #SoftwareDevelopment
Reading Code Like a Pro | IntelliJ IDEA Tips
While working on a new feature, you find some small other things to fix. Since these changes are unrelated, you probably shouldn’t commit them together. You could revert these changes to redo them separately, but who wants to do extra work? Fortunately, you can now select which chunks or even lines of changes to add to your commit. You can commit the rest separately or even move it to a new change list.

Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Marit van Dijk

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: Selectively Commit Changes to a File
In this video, I covered customization of color schemes. It not only helps you to tweak your favorite theme or color scheme, it also helps you to understand your code base better.

*Author: Mala Gupta

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IntelliJ IDEA: Customizing Color Scheme
Inspections offers multiple benefits - like discovering and replacing sections of your code with a new Java language feature, even if you do not know the feature name or its syntax, such as replacing an if-else block with switch, removing redundant code, fixing probable bugs and much more.

This video is an overview of inspections in IntelliJ IDEA and covers how to get started with analyzing your code, applying fixes, viewing all the inspections, customizing them, including creation of new inspections and inspection profiles.

00:00 - Intro
01:25 - List of topics covered
01:54 - Initiate 'Inspect code..'
06:17 - View All Inspections
08:13 - Creating New Inspection Profiles
09:20 - Creating New Inspections
10:49 - Summary 

Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://jb.gg/Top15IntelliJIDEAShortcuts

*Author: Mala Gupta

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Inspections in IntelliJ IDEA
A few IntelliJ IDEA features or actions include the term ‘quick’. Do they speed up certain processes? Let’s find out. 
In this video, I’ll cover what these features are, why you need them, and how you can use them.

00:00 - Intro
00:41 - Quick Lists
03:19 - Quick Switch Scheme
04:45 - Quick Definition
06:25 - Quick Documentation

*Author: Mala Gupta

Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

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Quick Features in IntelliJ IDEA
I'm here to talk about records in Java, which is a concise way to create a new type to store your immutable data. But what you see on the screen right now is just the syntax. What about its semantics? What do you mean by the term record? What are its features and limitations? What are the places that you should be using records and what are the places where you should not be using them?

In this video, I'll try to answer all these questions using five examples for busy developers like you. Get ready to be surprised when I show you how to use records with pattern matching and sealed classes.

00:00 - Intro
01:02 - Concise, clean and simple way to define domain values
07:17 - Defining expressive data models
14:06 - Refactoring methods by using local records
15:17 - Using records with Frameworks or libraries
18:31 - Powerful and concise data processing

For more information, take a look at:
•  Java 19 and IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/l5zys7

*Author: Mala Gupta

Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

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IntelliJ IDEA: Data Modeling with Records -5 examples for busy developers
In this pro tip we'll talk about how to move around your code base without needing your editor tabs open.

Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Helen Scott

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: Recent Files and Recent Locations
In this pro tip we will look at everyone’s favourite shortcut - Search Everywhere and see how it can help you.

Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Helen Scott

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: Search Everywhere
In this Screencast, I'm going to show you how you can use IntelliJ IDEA's, Clipboard History to copy and paste content into your project with a little bit of a difference.

Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Helen Scott

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: Clipboard History
Git interactive rebase allows you to change individual commits, squash commits together, drop commits or change the order of the commits. This allows you to clean up your git commit history to make it linear and meaningful, which can make it easier to understand the history of the project in the future. Let's take a look at how this works.

For more information, go to: https://jb.gg/diu623
Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Marit van Dijk

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: Using Git Interactive Rebase
In this pro tip we're going to take a look at how you can view information about prior changes in a file. Using locate code author, also known as Annotating with Git Blame, you can see the author, what was changed, and when it was changed. However, you can also see the change inline in the editor and explore more detail around the context of the change if required.

Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Helen Scott

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: In Editor Diffs for Git Annotations
You can think of Local History as your own personal version control system. It can help you to track your changes locally, revert changes and recover deleted files. Let's take a look at how it works.

Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Helen Scott

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: Local History
I'm going to show you four ways that IntelliJ IDEA completes your code for you. We're going to look at examples for Basic completion, Smart completion, Postfix completion, and Statement completion.

Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Helen Scott

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: Code Completion
Injecting a language or expression into our code makes it easier to read and gives us additional access to tools such as syntax, highlighting and checking. Option +Enter on Mac or Alt+Enter on Windows and select Uninject language or reference.

Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Helen Scott

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: Inject Language or Reference
Let's take a look at Javadocs. IntelliJ IDEA can render these in the editor, and this can make it a lot easier for you to view and understand what's going on.

Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Helen Scott

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: In-editor Javadocs Rendering
Let's take a look at how to visualize stream operations in IntelliJ IDEA; this is especially helpful when you need to debug streams.

Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Helen Scott

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: Debugging Java Streams
The fastest way to move around the IDE is with the keyboard. Most tool windows have a simple numeric shortcut; for example, the project tool window is ⌘1 (macOS), or Alt+1 (Windows/Linux). For those that don't have a keyboard shortcut, you can open these by using Find Action, or Search Everywhere.

Don't forget, you can easily search any dialog or window in IntelliJ IDEA simply by typing the thing you want to search for.

For more information, go to: https://jb.gg/6o2cw6
Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Trisha Gee

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: Tool Windows
Postfix completion is designed so that you append some abbreviation to the end of your code, and IntelliJ IDEA will know to generate more valid code. Type your code, followed by a postfix abbreviation like .sout or .var, and see IntelliJ IDEA generate code at the start of your expression.

To see a full list of postfix abbreviations for your code, type "." (dot) and press the "up" arrow on the dropdown list of suggestions. The postfix completions can be found at the bottom of the code suggestions list.

Find all available abbreviations Preferences/Settings | Editor | General | Postfix Completion.

For more information, go to: https://jb.gg/vu4asb
Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Trisha Gee

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: Postfix Completion
Live Templates reduce the amount of code you need to type for the more common code constructs. You can use psvm or main to create the main Java method, for example. There are lots of live templates including fori for a for loop and nn for not null, plus many more.

For more information, go to: https://jb.gg/owmju8
Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Trisha Gee

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: Live Templates
When you open a source file in the editor, you may see warnings or errors in this file. You can quickly step through to check all these issues without having to use the mouse, just press F2.

For more information, go to: https://jb.gg/sdda40
Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Trisha Gee

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: Move to the Next Issue
In this screencast, we will show you ten places you can avoid using a mouse - everyday tasks - like scrolling text in your editor pane, showing tool windows, and many more.

Blog post: https://jb.gg/lutl5j
Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Mala Gupta

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IntelliJ IDEA. 10 places you can avoid using mouse
IntelliJ IDEA offers intelligent suggestions in most places in the code. It can offer fixes for compiler errors and inspection warnings. It can even use intentions to suggest other ways in which you could write code even if there's no warning or error.

For more information, go to: https://jb.gg/hlrw3c
Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Trisha Gee

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IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips: Alt-Enter
In this live-coding session, you will build a small Spring Boot application from the ground up, learning about IntelliJ IDEA's popular Spring integration features along the way. From shortcuts and navigating Spring contexts to analyzing beans and dependencies, this session covers everything you need for working with Spring Initializr, the Actuator, and DevTools. It’s a must-watch for every Spring developer.

Speaker: Marco Behler

Marco works as a developer advocate at JetBrains, in Munich, Germany. He loves to share everything he knows about writing and building awesome software – knowledge he acquired from a decade of consulting in the Java and Spring ecosystems – through guides, tweets, books, and talks.

Discover more about IntelliJ IDEA's features for Spring: https://jb.gg/spring
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea
Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ

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#intelliJIDEA #SpringBoot #intelliJ #jetbrains #Java #programming
IntelliJ IDEA Spring Tips & Tricks From The Trenches. By @MarcoCodes
In what could only be better described as part three of IntelliJ IDEA Tips and Tricks, in this talk Hadi Hariri will show you some new (and some not so new) tips and tricks for using IntelliJ IDEA but with a twist. Yes, in this edition, he'll be doing it from the comfort of his own home. And if that isn't an exciting enough abstract, then wait for the session. While you may not learn many things, some jokes may be new.

Speaker: Hadi Hariri

Developer and creator of many things OSS, he has been programming in one way, shape, or form since the age of 12. Author of various publications and courses, Hadi has been speaking at industry events for nearly two decades. The host of Talking Kotlin, he leads the Developer Advocacy team at JetBrains and spends as much time as he can writing code.

Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea
Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ

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IntelliJ IDEA Tips and Tricks 2021. By Hadi Hariri
In this screencast, we’re going to look at the 3 ways to simplify your code using refactoring in IntelliJ IDEA. Simplifying your code has lots of advantages including improving readability, tackling technical debt, and managing ever changing requirements.

00:00 - Intro
00:38 - Extract & Inline
04:28 - Change Signature
05:33 - Rename

*Author: Helen Scott

For more information, go to: https://jb.gg/t43obt
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea
Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ

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IntelliJ IDEA. 3 Ways To Simplify Your Code
In this screencast, we’re going to look at five shortcuts that will help you navigate around IntelliJ IDEA efficiently as your project grows. 
- Search Everywhere - Shift Shift
- Recent Files - ⌘E or Ctrl+E
- Navigate to Implementation - ⌥⌘B or Ctrl+Alt+B
- Find Usages - ⌥F7 or Alt+F7
- Create Test  - ⌘⇧T or Ctrl+Shift+T

For more information, go to: https://jb.gg/bylp3n
Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Helen Scott

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Top 5 IntelliJ IDEA Navigation Shortcuts
IntelliJ IDEA has lots of keyboard shortcuts and features that can help us to write code, but we don't always know about them. In this video, we're going to see some shortcuts that we can use in the editor to make it easier to write and edit code.

⇧⌘F12 or Ctrl+Shift+F12 - hide all windows except the active editor;
⌘⌫ or Ctrl+Y - delete a line;
⌘X or Ctrl+X - cut a line;
⌘V or Ctrl+V - paste a line;
⇧⌘↑ or Ctrl+Shift+Up - move a statement; 
⌘C or Ctrl+C - copy a whole line;
⌘D or Ctrl+D - duplicate a line; 
⌃⇧J or Ctrl+Shift+J - smart line join;
⌘⏎ or Ctrl+Enter - smart line split;
⌥↑ or Ctrl+W - extend selection
⌥↓ or Ctrl+Shift+W - shrink selection;
⇧⌘8 or Alt+Shift+Insert - enable column selection mode;
⌘G or F3 - find next;
⌃⌘G or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J - select all occurrences;
⌘⇧V or Ctrl+Shift+V - paste from recent buffers

Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea
Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ

*Author: Trisha Gee

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Editor Tips and Tricks in IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA has keyboard shortcuts for most of its commands related to editing, navigation, refactoring, debugging, and other tasks. Memorizing these hotkeys can help you stay more productive by keeping your hands on the keyboard.

Alt+Enter - Show Intention Actions
F2 - Next Highlighted Error
⌘1 or Alt+1 - Project Tool Window
Esc - Focus on the Editor
⌘E or Ctrl+E - View Recent Files
⌘B or Ctrl+B - Go to Declaration
Alt+F7 - Find Usages
Ctrl Ctrl - Run Anything
⌥↑ / ⌥↓ or Ctrl + W / Shift + Ctrl + W - Extend or Shrink Selection
⌘/ or Ctrl + / - Add/Remove Line Comment (⌥⌘/ or Shift+Ctrl+/ for Block Comment)
⇧⌘⏎ or Shift+Ctrl+Enter - Complete Current Statement
⌥⌘L or Ctrl+Alt+L - Reformat Code
⌃T or Shift+Ctrl+Alt+T - Refactor This
⇧⌘A or Shift+Ctrl+A - Find Action
Shift Shift - Search Everywhere

For more information, go to: https://jb.gg/clnjsc
See this blog post here: https://jb.gg/top15
Download IntelliJ IDEA: https://jb.gg/download-intellij-idea

*Author: Trisha Gee

Join us:
Website: https://jb.gg/website
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#java #getting_to_know_intellij #intelliJIDEA #intelliJ #jetbrains #programming
Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts
This screencast shows how the features and shortcuts of IntelliJ IDEA help us to stay in the flow while we're writing code. It covers a range of features, including:

- Creating new packages, classes, fields, methods and tests.
- Code completion, including postfix completion
- Generating code
- Live templates
- Running applications and tests
- Refactoring
- Navigation
- Reformating code
- Committing to VCS
- Inspections and intentions

You can find more information about specific features in some of our other videos:

Navigation: https://youtu.be/1UHsJyCq1SU
Code generation and completion: https://youtu.be/sx7_SS8y-_o
Unit testing and coverage: https://youtu.be/QDFI19lj4OM
Introduction to VCS: https://youtu.be/MaQnpCaiop0
Top 15 IntelliJ IDEA Shortcuts: https://youtu.be/QYO5_riePOQ
Blog post: https://jb.gg/3zfmxh

*Author: Trisha Gee

Join us:

Website https://jb.gg/website
Blog https://jb.gg/blog
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IntelliJ IDEA. Tips for Writing Code
This session was recorded at JetBrains Night Moscow 2019 which took place on April 13.
More IntelliJ IDEA Tips and Tricks by Trisha Gee

00:00 - Intro
02:50 - Presentation assistance plugin
04:42 - Navigation basics
05:47 - Symbol lookup
06:51 - Find in path
07:26 - Search everywhere
09:27 - Working without mouse
10:04 - Working without editor tabs
12:36 - Autoscroll from/to source
14:11 - Create new file/folder
15:28 - Scratch files
16:18 - Hide all windows/panels
17:51 - Syntax aware selection
18:37 - Move/duplicate/delete lines
19:28 - Multiple cursors
21:10 - Vim plugin
22:09 - Clean up code
25:18 - Language injection
27:52 - Code completion
31:07 - Code templates
33:15 - Postfix completion
36:10 - Advanced navigation: go to supermethod, go to superclass, type hierarchy, method hierarchy
37:25 - Structure popup
38:24 - Inspections
40:36 - Structural search and replace
43:31 - Analyze data flow
45:44 - Database tools
47:24 - VCS
49:46 - Debugging
53:18 - Refactoring basics
56:02 - Quicklists
57:21 - Find action
58:17 - Productivity guide
59:12 - Zero latency typing

*Author: Hadi Hariri

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42 IntelliJ IDEA Tips and Tricks


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