YouTrack Server 2024.3 Help

Pinned Comments

Pinning a comment in a helpdesk ticket lets you highlight a particular comment and keep it visible for yourself and other agents. This feature comes in handy when a comment on the ticket contains important information, such as a solution to the customer's problem. Pinning the comment makes it easily visible to other agents working on the ticket or assisting customers who encounter similar problems.

This feature is also available for comments posted to issues and articles in the knowledge base. If a user has left a comment that contains important information, such as an update or correction to the content of the issue or article, you can pin the comment to ensure that other users see it.

Helpdesk pinned comment

To pin a comment on a helpdesk ticket:

  1. Locate the comment that you want to pin in the comments section of the ticket.

  2. Open the More actions menu in the comment toolbar.

  3. Select the Pin comment option.

To unpin a comment:

  1. Locate the comment that you want to unpin in the comments section of the ticket.

  2. Click the Unpin comment icon.

Pinned comment visibility for YouTrack user types:

User Type

Pinned Comment Visibility


Can pin comments and can see pinned comments.

Standard User

Cannot pin comments but can see pinned comments.


Cannot pin comments and cannot see pinned comments.

Last modified: 05 June 2024