YouTrack Server 2024.3 Help

Enable Two-factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA for short) adds an extra layer of security to your account. This type of multi-factor authentication requires that you enter your username and password, then enter another piece of information that should only be accessible to you.

YouTrack supports two types of two-factor authentication:

  • App-based Authentication lets you pair your account with an external app. In this case, you need to enter a code that is generated by a third-party authentication app to log in to YouTrack.

  • Token-based Authentication lets you pair your account with a hardware token. In this case, you need to interact with a hardware device that is in your possession to log in to YouTrack.

You are limited to one type of two-factor authentication. This means that you can't use token-based authentication together with app-based authentication.

Switching Between Authentication Factors

YouTrack supports two-factor authentication for a range of authentication apps and hardware tokens. To switch from one type of 2FA to another, you first need to delete the integration with the app or hardware token that you currently use for authentication. You can then pair your Hub account with a new app or device.

To switch to another two-factor authentication method:

  1. Click your avatar in the header, then select the Profile link.

  2. Switch to the Account Security tab.

  3. Locate the Two-factor authentication setting.

  4. Click the Delete authentication app integration or Unregister device link.

    • The authentication app or hardware token that was previously paired with your account is no longer recognized as a valid second factor for authentication.

    • Two-factor authentication is disabled for your account.

    • If you aren't required to use two-factor authentication, you are able to log in to YouTrack with a username and password. You can choose to pair your account with a new authentication app or hardware token or continue to log in with a username and password.

    • If you belong to a group for which two-factor authentication is required, you are immediately prompted to set up the feature. Access to YouTrack is severely restricted until you re-enable 2FA. To restore access, use the Two-factor authentication controls in your profile to pair your account with a new authentication app or hardware token.

Disabling 2FA

As long as you don't belong to a group for which two-factor authentication is required, you can also disable 2FA for your account. You might choose to disable 2FA when you know in advance that you won't have access to the app or hardware device for a limited time frame.

For example, you use an app on your mobile phone as a second factor and disable the feature while your phone is out for repair. Once you pick up your phone from the shop, you can re-enable the feature without having to pair your account with the app a second time.

The same principle applies when you purchase a new device.

  • Log in to your account using an authentication code that is generated on your old mobile phone.

  • Disable 2FA for your account as described here.

  • Re-enable the feature by pairing your account with the authentication app on your new mobile phone.

To disable two-factor authentication for your YouTrack account:

  1. Click your avatar in the header, then select the Profile link.

  2. Switch to the Account Security tab.

  3. Locate the Two-factor authentication setting.

    Link to disable two-factor authentication
  4. Click the Disable link.

    • Two-factor authentication is disabled for your account.

    • If you aren't required to use two-factor authentication, you are able to log in to YouTrack with a username and password. Otherwise, you are immediately prompted to set up the feature. Access to YouTrack and connected services is severely restricted until you re-enable 2FA.

    • The Disable link switches to an Enable link. When you're ready to re-enable the feature and secure your account, open your account and click this link.

Last modified: 09 November 2023