YouTrack Import Scripts

Last modified: 11 March 2025

The YouTrack import API lets you write scripts for importing content from other issue trackers and knowledge management apps.

YouTrack provides predefined scripts for importing content from widely-used applications, including issue import from GitHub, GitLab, Jira, Mantis, Redmine, Bugzilla, Zendesk,, JetBrains Space, and Google Sheets, with additional support for importing articles from Confluence.

To learn more about importing content using a predefined import script, refer to the instructions that correspond to your YouTrack Server installation or YouTrack Cloud instance.

If either of the following conditions apply to your current situation, this reference should help you write a custom script for importing content from an external application to YouTrack.

  • You have content stored in an application that YouTrack supports with a predefined import script, but the source content has been customized beyond the parameters that are defined in the predefined script.

    In this case, you can use this reference to modify the default script to match the customizations applied to the source material.

  • You want to import content from a third-party application that isn't supported with a predefined import script.

    In this case, you can create a custom import script to reference the content that you want to import and manage in YouTrack.