YouTrack Cloud 2024.3 Help

Resources for Developers

YouTrack provides powerful functionality that lets you develop applications, widgets, write workflows and automate operations automatically. With the release of YouTrack 2021.1, we introduce the Developer Portal for YouTrack and Hub. This separate reference space will help you learn everything you need to adapt, expand YouTrack and tailor YouTrack functionality to your specific use cases.

Developer portal includes the following sections:

  • YouTrack REST API: the complete guide to the current public REST API entities and methods in YouTrack.

  • YouTrack Workflows: the complete guide to automating operations in YouTrack with workflows.

  • Import Scripts: learn how to write custom import scripts or edit the predefined import scripts in YouTrack.

  • YouTrack Form API: learn how to prefill values in online forms based on the context.

  • Hub REST API: everything you need to work with Hub as a developer over REST API.

    Hub service provides authentication, authorization, and access management for YouTrack and any other service that is connected to it. No matter whether you develop an application, or a widget, or a workflow. You will need to use Hub to log in to YouTrack, or support any operations related to user and group access (group memberships, roles, permissions, and so on).

  • Custom Widgets: learn how to write miniature application views that you can embed in dashboards.

Last modified: 16 November 2023