YouTrack Cloud 2024.3 Help

OpenLDAP Auth Module

An LDAP authentication module lets users log in to YouTrack with credentials that are stored in a directory service. This authentication module is pre-configured for OpenLDAP. You can configure a module to use the standard LDAP scheme or LDAPS over SSL.

The OpenLDAP authentication module does not import all the user accounts from the directory service. YouTrack only creates a user account when an unregistered user first logs in to YouTrack.

When LDAP authentication is enabled, YouTrack checks the directory service for each login attempt. Users who have been removed from the directory service cannot log in.


If you want to connect to the directory service over SSL, import the trusted SSL certificate for your LDAPS server before you enable the authentication module. If there are any intermediate certificates that sit between the SSL certificate and the root CA certificate, you need to upload a file that contains the full certificate chain.

The option to import a trusted SSL certificate is not supported in the settings for the OpenLDAP authentication module. Instead, you need to access the SSL Certificates page and import it there. For more information, see SSL Certificates.

Enable OpenLDAP Authentication

To allow users stored in an OpenLDAP directory service to log in to YouTrack, enable an OpenLDAP authentication module.

To enable LDAP authentication:

  1. From the Administration menu, select Access Management > Auth Modules.

  2. From the New module drop-down list, select OpenLDAP.

    • The New Module dialog opens in the sidebar.

      Ldap add module dialog
  3. In the New Module dialog, enter values for the following settings:




    Enter a name for the authentication module.


    Enter the server address of the directory service. For a connection over SSL, change the protocol part of the address to ldaps.


    Enter the number of the port used to communicate with the directory service.

    • The default port for standard LDAP is 389.

    • The default port for LDAPS is 636.


    Select this option to connect to the directory service over SSL. Before you can establish a secure connection, you need to import the trusted SSL certificate for your LDAPS server. For instructions, see SSL Certificates.

    Search Base

    Enter the domain components that define the top-level LDAP DN where user accounts are stored. For example, if your company uses the domain, enter the top-level LDAP DN dc=mycompany,dc=com.

    The value stored in this field is added to the LDAP URL and cannot contain unsafe characters.

    If you use organizational units to manage users, create separate auth modules for each organization. Include the organizational unit in the search base to create a unique LDAP URL for each module. LDAP authentication modules do not support recursive search in the LDAP tree.

  4. Click the Create button.

    • The OpenLDAP authentication module is enabled. The current status of the module is displayed next to the name of the module in the header.

    • The Auth Modules page displays the settings for the OpenLDAP authentication module. The module is pre-configured with standard settings that are based on the information you provided in the Add Module dialog. For additional information about the settings on this page, see the Settings section.

      Open ldap auth module

Test the Connection to Your Directory Service

To verify that the OpenLDAP authentication module is connected to your directory service, test the connection.

To test the connection:

  1. Click the Test login button.

  2. In the Test Authentication dialog, enter the credentials of a user who is stored in your directory service:

    • In the Username field, enter the domainusername.

    • In the Password field, enter the password.

  3. Click the Test login button.

    • YouTrack searches for the specified user account in the directory service. If the user is found, a success notification is displayed. If you get an error, check your user credentials and server URL.


Use the following settings to fine-tune the connection to your directory service.




Displays the type of directory service that is enabled for third-party authentication in YouTrack.


Stores the name of the authentication module. Use this setting to distinguish this module from other authentication modules in the Auth Modules list. The name is also shown in the list of supported authentication providers on the login form.

Server URL

Stores the LDAP URL of the directory service used to authenticate a login request in YouTrack.

The LDAP URL uses the format ldap://host:port/DN. Enter the full distinguished name (DN) of the directory where user accounts are stored.

SSL key

Selects an SSL key that can be used to verify the identity of your YouTrack installation to the directory service. You should only need to use this setting when your directory service requires client SSL authentication. For more information about managing keys in YouTrack, see SSL Keys.

Bind account

Determines which account is used for the LDAP bind request. For more information, see Bind Account Options.

Bind DN

Stores the value used to bind with the directory service. For more information, see Bind Account Options.


Stores an expression that locates the record for a specific user in the LDAP service. The substitution variable in the expression is replaced with the value entered as the username or email on the login page.

LDAP filter syntax is supported in this field. This makes it possible to add multiple attributes if needed.

Example: Configure authentication to accept either a username or email as a login input.


LDAP referral

Determines whether the LDAP authentication module ignores or follows requests from the service to locate additional information in the LDAP directory.

  • If your directory service stores attributes that are mapped to YouTrack profiles in different partitions, enable the Follow option.

  • When redirection is not required for user authentication, enable the Ignore option to increase performance.

LDAP account status

Determines whether user accounts statuses are updated in YouTrack when an account with corresponding credentials is deleted from the connected directory service.

  • If the account was deleted in the directory service, the Hub account is banned and the corresponding credentials are removed from the Hub account.

  • The Hub account is not unbanned automatically when the account is restored in the connected directory service. The status must be updated manually in YouTrack.

The following options are available for this setting:




The status of Hub accounts and accounts that are managed in the connected directory service are independent.


The status of an account in the connected directory service is forwarded to YouTrack on login or sync, when enabled.

This setting is only available when the Bind account setting for the authentication module is set to Fixed.

If the Synchronization setting is On, the account status is updated at the predefined interval. Otherwise, the account status is only synchronized when users attempt to use their OpenLDAP account to log in to YouTrack.


Determines the frequency with which user account credentials and group memberships are synchronized with the directory service. You can choose from one of three predefined intervals:

  • Daily at 9 AM

  • Every 3 hours

  • Hourly

You can also manually synchronize the YouTrack database with the directory service at any time by clicking the Synchronize now button.

Values for the Full Name, Username, and Email that are stored in the YouTrack profile are populated when the user account is first created, which is usually when a new user logs in to YouTrack using their Open LDAP account. Later changes to these attributes in Open LDAP profiles are not synced with the YouTrack profile. These changes are synced with the corresponding attributes that are associated with their Open LDAP credentials. This information is displayed in the Credentials section of the Account Security tab in the YouTrack profile.

This synchronization applies to the attributes that are configured in the Attribute Mapping settings and group memberships as configured on the Group Mappings tab. For details, see Attribute Mapping and Group Mappings.

When synchronization is Off, group memberships and account statuses are still synchronized on a per-user basis during login. To learn more about this feature, see Group Mappings.

The Synchronization option is only available when the Bind account setting is Fixed. This allows YouTrack to search the directory service on behalf of the bind account owner.

The synchronization feature is only active when the authentication module is Enabled.

Bind Account Options

You can configure the module to perform the bind request with the LDAP service in one of two ways. The method used is determined by the option selected for the Bind account setting.

The value that you use for the Bind DN setting depends on the option that you select for the Bind account setting. Use the following guidelines to set the value for the Bind DN setting:



Guideline for Bind DN Setting


Uses a fixed account to bind to the LDAP service and searches for the user you want to authenticate on behalf of the bind user. With this option, you can set up an LDAP authentication module and still use logins that are not part of the Distinguished Name (DN), like an email address or token. This method is also commonly called search + bind or two-step authentication.

To use this method, you need a special account on the directory server that has permission to look up other user accounts in the directory service.

Enter the full DN of the user account that you want to use for the LDAP bind request. This account must have permission to look up other user accounts in the directory service.

Use the Set password control to store the password for this account in YouTrack. The password for the bind user is stored as a hash of the plain-text value.


Derives the user DN from the login and attempts to bind to the LDAP service as the user directly. This method is also commonly called direct bind.

Use a query to bind with the directory service. This query looks up the distinguished name of the user to be authenticated. Reference the username with an expression. The expression maps a substitution variable to the attribute that stores the username in the directory service. The attribute you select determines which query is used in the filter string.

The value entered as the username on the login page is trimmed before it replaces the substitution variable. If the user specifies a domain, it is discarded. For example, a username with the value WORKGROUP\smith is trimmed to smith. To specify a domain, enter the domain name as a static value. For example, WORKGROUP\%u.

Attribute Mapping

When YouTrack finds a record in the LDAP service that matches a filter, it fetches values from the LDAP attributes that are specified for each field and copies them to the user profile in YouTrack. Use the following settings to define the filter criteria and map attributes that are stored in your directory service to Hub accounts that are linked to users in YouTrack.




Required. Maps to the LDAP attribute that stores the value to copy to the Username field in the Hub account. For OpenLDAP, the default value is uid.

Full name

Maps to the LDAP attribute that stores the value to copy to the Full name field in the Hub account.


Maps to the LDAP attribute that stores the value to copy to the Email field in the Hub account.

VCS username

Maps to the LDAP attribute that stores the value to copy to the VCS username field in the Hub account.


Maps to the LDAP attribute that stores group membership assignments in the connected directory service.

When this value is specified, you can map and sync group memberships in the directory service with corresponding groups in Hub. For details, see Group Mappings.

Account expired

Maps to the LDAP attribute that stores the expiration date for the account in the connected directory service.

Account disabled

Maps to the LDAP attribute that stores the date when the user account was disabled in the connected directory service.

Lockout threshold

Maps to the LDAP attribute that stores the number of attempts that users are allowed to log in unsuccessfully before their account is locked out.

Lockout time

Maps to the LDAP attribute that stores the date and time when an account was blocked because the maximum lockout threshold was exceeded.

Lockout duration

Maps to the LDAP attribute that stores the amount of time a user is blocked from logging in to their account after exceeding the lockout threshold.

Additional Settings

The following options are located at the bottom of the page. Use these settings to manage Hub account creation, group membership, and connection options.



User creation

Enables creation of Hub accounts for unregistered users who log in with an account that is stored in the connected directory service. YouTrack uses the email address to determine whether the user has an existing account.

All LDAP authentication modules must allow user creation. If user creation is denied, unregistered users are shown an error.

Auto-join groups

Adds users to a group when they log in with an account that is stored in the connected directory service. You can select one or more groups. New users that auto-join a group inherit all the permissions assigned to this group.

We recommend that you add users to at least one group. Otherwise, a new user is only granted the permissions that are currently assigned to the All Users group.

Connection timeout

Sets the period of time to wait to establish a connection to the authorization service. The default setting is 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds).

Read timeout

Sets the period of time to wait to read and retrieve user profile data from the authorization service. The default setting is 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds).


Links to the Audit Events page in YouTrack. There, you can view a list of changes that were applied to this authentication module.

Group Mappings

On the Group Mappings tab, you can map existing groups in the LDAP service to the groups in YouTrack.

group mappings open LDAP

If you want to map LDAP groups to YouTrack groups, you need to specify the Groups attribute that stores LDAP group memberships in the Attribute Mapping section of the settings for this auth module.

When group mappings are configured, YouTrack checks for LDAP group memberships when users log in with accounts that are managed in the directory service. YouTrack performs the following operations for each LDAP group that is mapped to a YouTrack group:

  • Users who are members of a mapped LDAP group and are not members of the mapped YouTrack group are added to the group in YouTrack.

  • Users who are not members of a mapped LDAP group and are members of the mapped YouTrack group are removed from the group in YouTrack.

This behavior is based on the current value for the Synchronization setting.

  • When the Synchronization setting is On, these operations are performed on a set schedule.

  • When Off changes to group memberships in the directory service are only applied in YouTrack when users log in using the OpenLDAP auth module.

    Scheduled synchronization is only available when the Bind account option is Fixed. If the Bind account option is Dynamic, group memberships are synchronized only on user login.

You can map multiple LDAP groups to a single target group in YouTrack. You can't map LDAP groups to more than one YouTrack group.

To map an LDAP group to a group in YouTrack:

  1. Open your OpenLDAP auth module.

  2. Select the Group Mappings tab.

  3. Click the Add mapping button.

    • The Add Mapping dialog opens.

    add open LDAP group mapping
  4. Enter the name of the LDAP group in the LDAP group name field.

    • If the Bind account option is set to Fixed, the auth module uses the bind account to look up groups in the directory service. Available groups are shown in the LDAP group name list.

    • If the Bind account option is set to Dynamic, the list of groups in the directory service is not available to the bind account. To map a group successfully, you need to enter the full DN of the group exactly as it appears in the directory service.

  5. Click the Add button.

    • The mapping is added to the list.


The following actions are available in the header:



Set default

Designates the authentication module as the default for your YouTrack site. Only one authentication module can be set as the default at any time. If another module is currently set as the default, that state is cleared.

This option is only shown when the current authentication module is not designated as the default.

Clear default

Removes the authentication module as the default for your YouTrack site.

If none of the available authentication modules are designated as the default, unauthenticated users are always directed to the Hub login page.

This option is only shown when the current authentication module is designated as the default.

Disable module

Disables the authentication module.

This option is only shown when the authentication module is currently enabled.

Enable module

Enables the authentication module.

This option is only shown when the authentication module is currently disabled.

Test login

Lets you enter a username and password to test the connection with the authentication service.

Delete module

Removes the authentication module from YouTrack. Use only when you have configured additional authentication modules that let users log into your YouTrack site.

Sample Configurations

Use the following patterns to configure an OpenLDAP auth module using the LDAP protocol:



Server URL


Bind DN




Use the following patterns to configure an OpenLDAP auth module with a secure connection over SSL:



Server URL


Bind DN




Last modified: 22 August 2024