TeamCity On-Premises 2024.07 Help

Visual Studio 2003

The Visual Studio 2003 build runner supports building Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 .NET projects. To build Microsoft Visual Studio 2005-2017 projects, see Visual Studio (sln) Build Runner.



Solution file path

A path to the solution to be built is relative to the build checkout directory. For example:


Working directory

Specify the Build Working Directory.


Specify the name of the solution configuration to build.

Projects output

This group of options enables you to use the default output defined in the solution, or specify your own output path.

Output directory for all projects

This option is available, if Override project output option is checked. Specify the directory where the compiled targets will be placed.

Resolve URLs via map

Click this radio button, if you want to map the URL project path to the physical project path. If this option is selected, specify mapping in the Type the URL's map field.

Type the URL's map

Click this link and specify the desired map in the text area. Use the following format:



  • http://localhost:8111 is the host where the project will be uploaded

  • myProjectPath/myProject is the project root

Resolve URLs via WebDAV

Click this radio button, if you want the URLs to be resolved via WebDav.

MS Visual Studio reference path

Check this option, if you want to automatically include reference path of MS Visual Studio to the build.

NAnt home

Specify path to the NAnt executable to run builds of the build configuration. The path can be absolute, relative to the build checkout directory; also you can use an environment variable.

Command line parameters

Specify any additional parameters for NAnt.exe.

TeamCity passes automatically to NAnt all defined system properties, so you do not need to specify all of the properties here via -D option. You can create necessary properties at the Build Parameters section of the build configuration settings.

Run NUnit tests for

Specify .NET assemblies, where the NUnit tests to be run are stored. Multiple entries are comma\-separated; usage of NAnt wildcards is enabled. In the following example, TeamCity will search for the tests assemblies in all project directories and run these tests.


All these wildcards are specified relative to path that contains the solution file.

Do not run NUnit tests for

Specify .NET assemblies that should be excluded from the list of found assemblies to test. Multiple entries are comma\-separated; usage of NAnt wildcards is enabled. In the following example, TeamCity will omit tests specified in this directory.


All these wildcards are specified relative to path that contains the solution file.

Reduce test failure feedback time

Use following option to instruct TeamCity to run some tests before others.

Run recently failed tests first

If checked, in the first place TeamCity will run tests failed in previous finished or running builds as well as tests having high failure rate (a so called blinking tests)

Last modified: 18 September 2024