Viewing User Changes in Builds

Edit pageLast modified: 12 October 2022

Monitoring the quality of the codebase is essential for a development team: a project developer needs to see whether their commit brought a build failure or not. For a project leader, it is important to detect the code at fault for a build failure to be able to have the situation rectified early, so other members of the team are not inconvenienced.

The Changes page of the TeamCity UI allows you to review the commits made by all TeamCity users and see how they have affected builds. You can filter the results with the user selector on the page.

Changes made by a user are displayed correctly only when appropriate VCS usernames are defined.

By default, the page does not show the commits to the build configurations hidden by the current user on the Projects page. To remove this filter and view all build configurations, clear the Hide configurations excluded from my projects box.

The filters at the top of the page provide flexible search options:

  • by user who made the change

  • by project

  • by comment to the change (commit message) (the Sakura UI only)

  • by path to the changed file: you can filter changes by entering a part of the path (the Sakura UI only)

  • by revision number (the Sakura UI only)

Each change has a pie-chart icon showing status of builds with slices for the relative size of pending, successful, as well as old and new problematic builds affected by the change. (The pie-chart icon is not available in the Sakura UI). Hovering over / clicking the build status icon gives a visual representation of how the user commit has affected different builds. Builds with new/critical problems are listed by default.

Expanding the change or clicking the See builds link lists all builds with the change.

From this page you can:

  • View all commits and changes included into personal builds.

  • View how changes have affected the builds.

  • See whether there are new failed tests caused by changes.

  • Navigate to the issue tracker, if the issue tracker integration is configured.

  • Open possibly problematic files in your IDE: the option is available if the plugin for this IDE is installed and you are logged in to TeamCity from within this IDE.

  • Navigate to change details.

  • Modify the change comment in TeamCity (available to project administrators by default). Changing the comment in the VCS as well is recommended for consistency.

  • View detailed data for each change on the dedicated tabs. To switch between tabs for the currently selected change, use Tab/Shift+Tab or mnemonics: T for tests, B for builds, F for files.

  • View builds with any of the changes. By default, successful and pending build configurations are hidden from display. Uncheck the corresponding box to view all builds with the change.

Note that problems which have an investigator/responsible are not considered critical (unless you are the investigator).