TeamCity On-Premises 2024.07 Help

Agent Cloud Profile

A cloud profile is a collection of settings for TeamCity to start virtual machines with installed TeamCity agents on-demand while distributing a build queue. Profiles allow TeamCity to automatically scale the number of active build agents depending on the current workload.

Configuring a cloud provider profile is one of the steps required to enable agent cloud integration between TeamCity and a cloud provider. The settings of profiles slightly vary depending on the cloud type.

Profiles and Images

To configure a cloud profile, go to Administration | Project | Cloud Profiles. A cloud profile stores such settings as:

  • Credentials required to connect to a cloud provider.

  • The maximum number of simultaneously active cloud agents.

  • Conditions that specify when active agents should be terminated or stopped.

  • TeamCity server URL that should be passed to new cloud agents when they start.

For each cloud profile, create one or more cloud image. Images store such settings as:

  • An ID of a cloud instance to start or instance image to use.

  • The container image to pull when an instance/node starts.

  • Post-launch scripts.

  • An agent pool that should own cloud agents spawned from this image.

When a build is queued, TeamCity attempts to run queued builds on regular (non-cloud) agents first. If none are currently available, TeamCity finds a compatible cloud image and (if the limit of simultaneously running instances is not yet reached) starts a new cloud instance.

Supported Integrations

TeamCity supports integration with the following cloud providers:

Amazon EC2

TeamCity can manage static EC2 instances, start and terminate instances from a machine image (AMI), and request Spot Fleet instances.

Setting Up TeamCity for Amazon EC2.


TeamCity supports all types of Kubernetes clusters: hosting service (such as GKE from Google Cloud or Amazon EKS), self-hosted cloud clusters, and bare metal servers.

Common Information | Setting Up TeamCity for Kubernetes.

VMware vSphere and vCenter

TeamCity can start and stop TeamCity agents installed on VMware virtual machines.

Common Information | Setting Up TeamCity for VMware vSphere and vCenter

Microsoft Azure

TeamCity supports both Azure Classic and Azure Resource Manager deployment models via external plugins.

Common Information | Azure Cloud Plugin

Google Cloud

The Google Cloud Agents plugin allows using Google Compute Engine to start cloud instances on demand to scale the pool of cloud build agents and also supports using cost-efficient preemptible virtual machines.

Common Information | Google Cloud Agents plugin

Shared Profiles

A cloud profile configured in a project is available for all subprojects as well. That is, if you configure a profile in the <Root project>, all TeamCity projects will be able to start new cloud agents.

You can prevent all or individual subprojects from using cloud profiles inherited from a parent project. To do this, go to Administration | Project | Cloud profiles and click Change cloud integration status.

  • For a parent project: uncheck Enable cloud integration in subprojects.

  • For a child a subproject: uncheck Enable cloud integration in this project.

Last modified: 18 September 2024