TeamCity 4.0 Help


This page contains reference information about the Maven2 Build Runner fields.



Build runner

Select Maven2 from the drop-down list.


In the Goals field, specify the sequence of space-separated Maven goals that you want TeamCity to execute. Some Maven goals can use version control systems, and, thus, they may become incompatible with some Configuring VCS Settings. If you want TeamCity to execute such goal:

  • Select "Automatically on agent" in the VCS checkout mode drop-down list on the Version Control Settings page. This makes the version control system available to a goal execution software.

Path to a POM file

Specify path to the POM file relative to the Build Working Directory. By default, the property contains a pom.xml file. If you leave this field blank, the same value is put in this field. The path may also point to a subdirectory, and as such <subdirectory>/pom.xml is used.

Maven home path

Use this optional parameter to specify path to the executable of your custom Maven.

Additional Maven command line parameters

Specify the list of command line parameters.

User settings path

The path to an alternative user settings file. It is equivalent to Maven command line option -s or --settings.

JDK Home Path

The path to JDK Home is read from the *JAVA_HOME* environment variable or *JDK home* specified on the build agent if you leave this field empty. If these two values are not specified as well, TeamCity uses the JDK home on which the build agent process is started.

JVM command line parameters

Specify JVM command line parameters, for example, maximum heap size or parameters enabling remote debugging. These values are passed by the JVM used to run your build. For example:

-Xmx512m -Xms256m

Last modified: 20 April 2023