JetBrains Rider 2023.3 Help

Unit Tests Coverage window

View | Tool Windows | Unit Tests Coverage

Enable the dotCover plugin

This functionality relies on the dotCover plugin, which is bundled and enabled in JetBrains Rider by default. If the relevant features aren't available, make sure that you didn't disable the plugin.

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and then select Plugins.

  2. Open the Installed tab, find the dotCover plugin, and select the checkbox next to the plugin name.

This window allows exploring coverage data obtained during unit tests coverage run. The window shows all code items from a coverage snapshot in a tree structure allowing you to inspect coverage of each item.

JetBrains Rider: Unit test coverage window

In the Coverage column, dotCover uses three colors to display the coverage status:

  • Green: the percentage of covered statements within the node.

  • Red: the percentage of uncovered statements within the node.

  • Grey: the nodes not covered during the test run as they do not have executable code statements.

Toolbar Controls




All Tests

If selected, the tree shows aggregated coverage results from all unit test sessions.

All Tests in Active Session

If selected, the tree shows coverage results for all unit tests from the session that is currently selected in the Unit Tests window.

Selected Tests in Active Session

If selected, the tree shows coverage results for the test selected in the current session in the Unit Tests window.

Select target framework

All Target Frameworks

Filters coverage results based on the selected target framework. This list is shown only if your project targets multiple frameworks.

Highlight code

Highlight code

Toggles highlighting of the code in the editor for the current coverage snapshot. For more information, refer to dotCover documentation.

Flatten Namespaces

Flatten Namespaces

Toggles between flat and tree namespace representation. In the flat mode, all namespaces including child namespaces are shown in a flat list (on the same level).

Save coverage snapshot as

Saves the current snapshot to a .dcvr file. For more information, refer to


Drop coverage results

Removes the existing coverage results.

Export results

Export coverage reports

Allows you to export the test coverage report to one of the selected formats: HTML, JSON, XML, XML for NDepend.

Navigate from Editor

Navigate from Editor

Navigates you from a selected symbol in editor to this symbol in the coverage tree.

Last modified: 21 March 2024