ReSharper Platform SDK Help

Track Solution Loading Status

What you should know beforehand:

Examples (?):

Sometimes, it is necessary for the plugin to begin its work only after the solution is completely loaded (or right before it is closed). Below you'll find one of the possible implementations of a shell component that tracks solution loading status.

This example also demonstrates how the ReSharper component model can be used. Here the task is solved using one shell component and one solution component. For details, see the notes below.

[ShellComponent] public class SolutionStateTracker : ISolutionStateTracker { public ISolution Solution { get; private set; } public ISignal<ISolution> AfterSolutionOpened { get; } public ISignal<ISolution> BeforeSolutionClosed { get; } public SolutionStateTracker([NotNull] Lifetime lifetime) { AfterSolutionOpened = new Signal<ISolution>(lifetime, "SolutionStateTracker.AfterSolutionOpened"); BeforeSolutionClosed = new Signal<ISolution>(lifetime, "SolutionStateTracker.BeforeSolutionClosed"); } private void HandleSolutionOpened(ISolution solution) { Solution = solution; AfterSolutionOpened.Fire(solution); } private void HandleSolutionClosed() { if (Solution == null) return; BeforeSolutionClosed.Fire(Solution); Solution = null; } [SolutionComponent] private class SolutionStateNotifier { public SolutionStateNotifier([NotNull] Lifetime lifetime, [NotNull] ISolution solution, [NotNull] ISolutionLoadTasksScheduler scheduler, [NotNull] SolutionStateTracker solutionStateTracker) { if (lifetime == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("lifetime"); if (solution == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("solution"); if (scheduler == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("scheduler"); if (solutionStateTracker == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("solutionStateTracker"); scheduler.EnqueueTask(new SolutionLoadTask("SolutionStateTracker", SolutionLoadTaskKinds.Done, () => solutionStateTracker.HandleSolutionOpened(solution))); lifetime.AddAction(solutionStateTracker.HandleSolutionClosed); } } }


  • SolutionStateTracker is a shell component (marked with the [ShellComponent] attribute), so it is created right after ReSharper starts and has the same lifetime with ReSharper.

  • SolutionStateNotifier is a solution component (marked with the [SolutionComponent] attribute), so it is created only when a solution is opened in Visual Studio and has the same lifetime with the solution.

  • SolutionStateNotifier tracks solution status using the ISolutionLoadTasksScheduler object demanded via the constructor argument.

  • Once the solution is loaded, SolutionStateNotifier calls the particular method of the injected SolutionStateTracker, which, in turn, fires a signal.

  • SolutionStateNotfier also tracks solution closing:


  • The Lifetime.AddAction method schedules an activity upon lifetime termination. As the lifetime for the SolutionStateNotifier is the same as the solution lifetime, the signal is called once the solution is going to close.

  • To use SolutionStateTracker, you should simply subscribe to a corresponding signal using the Advise method:

    solutionStateTracker.AfterSolutionOpened.Advise(lifetime, () => {do somehting...});

    To obtain a SolutionStateTracker instance, you can, for example, get it from the current context (e.g., if you use it in an action):

    var solutionStateTracker = context.GetComponent<SolutionStateTracker>(); solutionStateTracker.AfterSolutionOpened.Advise(lifetime, () => {do somehting...});

    or demand it via the constructor argument of your component:

    [SolutionComponent] public class MyClass { public MyClass(Lifetime lifetime, ISolutionStateTracker solutionStateTracker) { solutionStateTracker.AfterSolutionOpened.Advise(lifetime, () => {do somehting...}); } }

Last modified: 20 April 2023