ReSharper Platform SDK Help

Create a Quick-Fix

What you should know beforehand:

Examples (?):

The main difference between a context action and a quick-fix is that the latter appears only in response to a highlighting. Thus, quick-fixes are used to fix a problem that was found and highlighted by a particular code analyzer.


For example, let's create a simple quick-fix that reacts to the warning provided by the analyzer from Analyze Code on the Fly and suggests to replace the "Crap" word occurrence with "BadWord".

[QuickFix] public class CorrectBadWordQuickFix : QuickFixBase { private readonly IVariableDeclaration _variableDeclaration; public CorrectBadWordQuickFix([NotNull] BadWordNamingWarning warning) { _variableDeclaration = warning.VariableDeclaration; } protected override Action<ITextControl> ExecutePsiTransaction(ISolution solution, IProgressIndicator progress) { return textControl => { var newText = Regex.Replace(_variableDeclaration.DeclaredName, "crap", "BadWord", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); RenameRefactoringService.Rename(solution, new RenameDataProvider((IDeclaredElement) _variableDeclaration, newText), textControl); }; } public override string Text => "Replace the bad word"; public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache) { return _variableDeclaration.IsValid(); } }


  • The easiest way to create a quick-fix is to inherit from the QuickFixBase class.

  • The quick-fix class must be marked with the QuickFix attribute.

  • The BadWordNamingWarning warning highlighting object passed to the constructor is used to obtain a particular code element that should be fixed (the code element that is highlighted by a particular highlighting).

  • The Text property defines the text that will be shown in the actions list.

  • IsAvailable is used to check whether the quick-fix action is available for the current caret position.

  • ExecutePsiTransaction returns the action that is executed when the quick-fix is selected.

  • Note that we use RenameRefactoringService to change variable's name. The service performs seamless renaming of a variable everywhere in the code.

Last modified: 20 April 2023